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Colas Family Instagram – Fame

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Instagram of the Cola family

Instagram of the Cola family – On Tuesday, September 27, 2022, Delphine Colas will host a question and answer session on Instagram. The Large Families star answered a user question about the birth of a new tribe member.

Happy motherhood is something Delphine Colas experienced. She has been a regular on the Big Families: Life in XXL program since last July. Viewers can follow the exploits of Selena, Gabriel, Paul, Louise and Alba as they try to adjust to family life together.

Also, while she often posts photos of her 17-month-old daughter, Alba, on Instagram, she is less sympathetic to photos of her older children, Gabriel and Paul. A decision she made clear on Instagram on September 25, 2022.

Why do I introduce male models less frequently? Simply put, they’re not necessarily too excited to be filmed and, as a parent, I respect that. At 14, Gabriel doesn’t necessarily want to be on his mom’s Instagram, as she let eighteen thousand followers know about her.

The tallest, Selena, is less active on social media for another reason: she leaves to study in the United States, which at the time greatly disappointed her, but this Tuesday 27 September 2022 Delphine Colas confided in friends and colleagues about his personal life without restraint.

On this special occasion, he organized a question and answer session on his Instagram page. And the least we can say is that there were a lot of questions. His internet followers have specifically asked how long a Family of Five movie takes. It all comes down to family dynamics, it seems. Some go around more than others, ”the stay-at-home mom said.

After filming, one of her fans asked her if she planned to have a sixth child and she replied, “No more children to come, our family is complete.” Many other things, though. Whoever said it has the merit of being clear. Delphine Colas posted a beautiful photo of her three younger brothers on Instagram.

As a result, he informed his subscribers of the tragic circumstances surrounding the birth of little Paul. To support its fifth season, the Colas family returned to Large Families: Life in XXL last July.

Delphine, 40, and Olivier, 40, are the proud parents of a mixed family of five children: Selena, 17, dropped out of high school in the United States, much to her mother’s chagrin; Gabriel, 13; Paolo, 9 years old; Luisa, 8 years old; and Alba, 2.

The family matriarch had two children from a previous relationship before starting over with her husband Olivier and having three more children. She also told her she subscribers that he had a fight with the father of her children.

When there are over seven billion other people in the world, why let one of them ruin your life? “, He told them. She had previously told fans about her that she was “complete” and therefore she had no desire to expand her family.

Delphine Colas challenged the internet to guess her children’s middle names after posting a cute photo of her two adult children. The next day, she posted a photo of her three young grandchildren, whom she calls her “her goblins”.

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Instagram of the Cola family

And then he made a moving confession about the tragic circumstances of the birth of one of his children. He told his devoted followers that “life always leaves something positive even in the darkest moments of our life.

You already know what happens in the rest of the story. These kissing balloons! Too much love for them! “, He concludes on a positive note about the book with emotional resonances. Internet users could not help but be speechless in front of the adorable trio, some even trying to take up the challenge launched by the family matriarch.

Before stepping into the TF1 program, Delphine Colas went through a difficult period. In fact, her quadruple mother had a miscarriage during her last pregnancy. Last August, she told a trusted friend that her son was missing.

We believe it is vital to discuss our child’s death on the air, because he is still part of our family despite his passing, “she told him. And if it can inspire hope and open communication so that parents can cry without feeling responsible, then it will be very good indeed.

Delphine Colas, a candidate for the French reality show Families Large Life in XXL, shared her motherhood projects during a recent question and answer session on Instagram.

The Colas tribe made itself known to viewers during the fifth season of the TF1 Families Large: Life in XXL program. In any case, we can say that Delphine, Olivier and their five children immediately won the audience.

Although the happiness of the united tribe is not limited to the small screen. Delphine, her mother who photographed her, is the one who takes care of sharing and interacting with the 19,300 subscribers of her Instagram who follow her daily in her adventures.

And, as usual, the young mother wanted to talk to her community on Tuesday 27 September by opening her story on Instagram to a question and answer session.

Instagram of the Cola family
Instagram of the Cola family

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