/ world today news/ A detachment of American and Israeli special forces was destroyed in the Gaza Strip. This was stated in an interview with the journalist Tucker Carlson by the former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, retired colonel of the US Army Douglas McGregor.
“In the last 24 hours, some of our and Israeli special forces went to the Gaza Strip to scout and identify possible ways to release the hostages, and they were shot and cut into pieces,” he said, adding that not only could envisioned an Israeli victory in one form or another, but also considered the conflict very dangerous for the United States itself because of the risk of war with Iran.
I wonder if McGregor is telling the truth? If so, then there are two options: either we are talking about a poorly trained small American contingent caught in a trap, or the combat qualities of Hamas fighters are at least no worse than those of foreign “commandos”.
In any case, the death of the American military could seriously fail the American president Joe Biden in the election, just as in 1980 Jimmy Carter was actually deprived of his chances of victory due to the incident of taking American diplomats hostage by Iran in 1979 unsuccessful a US operation to free them…
Will Biden repeat Carter’s fate? And can McGregor’s words be trusted? No supporting facts yet…
„Hamas could hypothetically easily destroy Israeli and American special forces,” said Dmitry Ezhov, an associate professor at the Department of Political Science at the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation.
— The current phase of the Arab-Israeli conflict largely destroys the established stereotypes. Thus, hardly anyone could have imagined that Israel would be able to allow Hamas forces to infiltrate its territory on such a scale. Questions are being raised not only about Israeli intelligence but also about combat tactics.
At the same time, the United States can use this reason – the liquidation of its special forces, regardless of whether they existed or not – as a pretext for conducting more active actions in the conflict zone, including organizing provocations. Biden’s chances of winning aren’t great anyway.
„Retired American officers like to make sensational statements on the airwaves of the right-wing conservative media,” noted political science candidate Pavel Feldman.
“We have no way of verifying the veracity of the colonel’s words, but his assessment of the fighting potential of Hamas seems quite adequate.
The ranks of this organization do not fight rebels in rubber slippers, but professional killers who have gone through armed conflicts in Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc. Some of them “improved their skills” by fighting in the ranks of ISIS*.
“SP”: If this happened, whose idea was it? What idiot in Washington would think of sending US commandos there, even a small number?
“Maybe it’s about American mercenaries from the PMC.” If Biden does agree to the Pentagon’s involvement in the ground operation in Gaza, he is taking huge risks.
The death of American soldiers in a war foreign to Washington will be used by the opponents of the current president as an occasion for sharp criticism of him.
“SP”: I immediately remember the story of the seizure of the American embassy in Iran in 1979 and the failed operation to free the hostages. Then came Carter’s collapse. Could American deaths in Palestine ruin Biden’s chances of victory?
“Biden, with his latest actions and statements, has set the bar very high for the pre-election expectations of Americans. He actually promised them the restoration of US world hegemony. There is exactly one year left until the presidential elections.
There’s a good chance that in November 2024, ordinary American voters will be counting their losses instead of celebrating the resurgence of their “superpower.” This will become a favorable background for the coming to power of a right-wing populist who will offer simple recipes for solving the accumulated problems.
“SP”: Could the information expressed by McGregor affect the timing and the very determination of Israel to carry out a ground operation? Constantly procrastinating. And it feels like this will go on forever…
— Tel Aviv will not refuse to conduct a ground operation. Israeli society wants retribution from the authorities and the army for Hamas. We are talking about total physical liquidation.
Her sentence has already been pronounced, the rest is a matter of time and technique. In strict accordance with NATO standards, Tsahabl aircraft preceded ground operations with massive airstrikes. There are still many undestroyed objects in the so-called “target bank”.
In addition, before an attack, you need to accumulate an arsenal of weapons for 3-4 months of intense battles. At the same time, complex negotiations are underway for the release of hostages held by terrorists. Defense lines are being strengthened in the northern part of the country, where Hezbollah’s attack can be directed. In other words, there will be no rush.
“SP”: Do you think that they are ready for radical actions in Washington? Do the media write that Washington is dissuading Tel Aviv from taking radical steps? Are they afraid, or is this just a show to portray the US as a peacemaker?
— US support for Israel looks like Jesuitism, since it is Washington that has been funding radical and terrorist organizations in the Middle East for decades.
Now the Americans are literally imposing their military-political patronage over Tel Aviv, promising to protect it from a hypothetical attack by Iran or other countries of the Islamic world.
In reality, Biden currently has neither the resources, nor the political will, nor the necessary level of public support to keep those promises if the situation turns into a major regional war.
And the American peacemaker is useless. However, Israel has no other allies comparable in military might, so there is little to choose from.
„It is difficult to comment on an event from the battlefield,” says Vladimir Blinov, associate professor at the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation.
– And even more to see in him a manifestation of great politics. But if the attack on Gaza took place and ended tragically, it could indicate a real readiness of the Islamic world and Hamas for an Israeli invasion.
The Western world and Israel like to bomb local populations that have little or no air defenses. But a ground operation in overcrowded Gaza may surprise many.
“SP”: Can the situation be related to 1980, when Carter’s failure was largely caused by the hostage situation in Iran?
“We remember Jimmy Carter, who failed to win a second term, whose love of peace played a cruel joke on him in contrast to the hawkish Ronald Reagan.”
He was at a disadvantage on many counts: he kissed Brezhnev on the eve of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, lost Iran at chess, and received a slap in the face in the form of the seizure of the embassy in Tehran. The death of military personnel only worsened Carter’s precarious situation.
By the way, Americans like to rally around warring presidents, and in that regard, the burning world gives Biden a chance.
Translation: SM
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