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Coins, hunting for the 50 euro cents of 2007: they are rare

Watch your wallet. There are 50 euro cent coins that can actually be worth more than you think. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

Source: Pixabay

I money they do not bring happiness, but they undoubtedly contribute to solving a lot of problems. On the other hand, we all need money to be able to obtain goods or services of our liking in exchange. Starting from the banknotes, up to coins of small value, there really is something for all budgets. Some coins in circulation, moreover, they are able to guarantee a real fortune to its owner.

A situation that, in the common imagination, immediately leads to think of the so dear and beloved old lire, but not only. Unlike what one might think, in fact, there are also gods euro cents which today are worth much more than the value imprinted on the coin itself. I am a clear example of this 50 euro cents, with some specimens that are really hard to find. So let’s go into the details and see what it is.

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Rare coins, attention: the hunt for the 50 euro cents of 2007

Source: Facebook

Numismatics experts and collectors are always on the lookout for rare and one-of-a-kind coins. We are not only talking about the dear old lire, but also about some euro specimens that are particularly difficult to find. A clear example of this is the 50 cents minted in 2007, which represents a real rarity. In fact, most people have the version minted in 2002 in their wallets, while the 2007 version seems to have lost track of it. How is it possible?

Well, according to some, this situation is to be found in the fact that these coins would not have been uniformly distributed throughout the territory. Others, however, think that this version has not yet been distributed. Among the other theories, then, there is that fewer coins were produced than those declared. In fact, many people think that in reality the Mint has minted fewer coins than around 4,994,490 specimens declared.

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Various, therefore, the hypotheses on the matter, with many looking for the 50 cents of 2007 that are currently valid from 2 euros to 10 euros, if uncirculated. Figures not mind-boggling, but undoubtedly higher than those imprinted on the coin itself.

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