“The use of coercive means is regulated by Act No. 273/2008 Coll. (Police Act – editor’s note). Failure to respect the official’s call in the exercise of his powers, refusal to prove his identity in a credible manner and potential departure from the place of hearing the offense are in certain circumstances grounds for intervention, but all requirements set out in the law must be met, “said police spokesman Ondřej Moravčík.
According to Rajchl, the intervention must be appropriate to the situation and the police officer or police officer must ensure that the use of coercive means does not cause harm to the person, which is apparently disproportionate to the nature and danger of his illegal conduct.
“Coercive means (touches, grabs, kicks) can then be used by a police officer exclusively to protect another person or his own, to protect property or public order (for example, during a fight or breaking expenses),” the lawyer said.
However, according to him, such a situation did not occur in any media-monitored case.
“All three interventions cannot be assessed as anything other than completely illegal. The brutality of the operation in České Budějovice is completely unacceptable, where the person who was the victim could have been seriously injured, and just behind the edge is a completely unnecessary intervention of police officers against the father in the presence of his small child. , and they were still flagrant about this fact, “stated Rajchl.
Handcuffs can also be used in peace. Kneeling on the neck is not necessarily necessary.
Pacification of a woman in Ostrava
Video: Facebook P. M.
Unclear methodology
The news was also interested in whether the police have a specifically developed methodology that would outline to police officers how to intervene against people who do not have a veil and do not want to cooperate with police officers. But the clear answer did not come. Moravčík only stated in general that “police officers are trained in crisis situations as part of their training”.
Moravčík pointed out that the legal system in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in the world does not allow citizens to choose whether to respect orders. “The legal procedure is to respect the order and the subsequent possible complaint to the control authorities,” the spokesman said.
At the same time, however, they claim that the procedure is an individual matter and it depends on the decision of each police officer which procedure he chooses. Asked if it was necessary to bring citizens to the ground, the spokesman replied: “The use of a specific means of coercion is always determined by the police officer himself and he uses one that will enable him to fulfill the purpose for which the intervention is conducted.”