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CODEF (Collective Hospital Users)

Press release:

“The press of this Monday 24 October 2022 reports the intervention of the interim director of ARS Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Obviously his language clashes with that of his predecessor: “It is up to the territory, he says, to send me clues, not the other way around” making us “believe” that it would go against the recommendations of the IGAS.

Is it surprising when we learn that before his appointment he assisted Mr. Prible?

How long for his interlude? Will he remain indefinitely in this position or awaiting the appointment of a new mining engineer like Mr. Prible? Which has soapy the board of directors that the territory no longer has the political resources to counter the so-called IGAS recommendations.

For our hospital, these recommendations concern the review of the organization of night emergencies, the transformation into a local hospital including the closure of services.

There is no smoke without fire. The intervention of the press by the interim director of ARS Bourgogne Franche-Comté is not accidental. He prepares the ground to allow the “locals to grasp the subject,…. in the territory to send him conduits “. But what do we mean by premise? By territory? In cardiology and then in oncology, the ways for the organization of these services by the local health workers of the GHT have been rejected by the management of the latter and by the ARS. Yet “they responded to a logic of need of the population and the territory” and as important as palliative care and drug addiction underlined by the new interim director.

On February 15, 2019, the Codef alerted the population: with the title “Local hospital… Guaranteed distance !!! “We said:” Tagged or not, our hospital already has almost the typical profile after the loss of maternity and the closure of the clinic. And people know what distance means in that sense.

Obtaining the label is part of CH management’s roadmap, we are told. If so, we can reasonably be concerned about the options listed above and especially first aid. and add: “The disappearance of the surgical ward has a deleterious impact on the health of an elderly and frail population. We remind you that, about 30 minutes from the hospital, our living area has 105,000 inhabitants spread over 62 municipalities. If, at the very least, the return from the clinic is not insured, the CH will quickly become an EHPAD XXL. “

We are finally almost there, we have to make the population swallow the pill: the local hospital project is the only way out, someone will say. And why not take up the words of the interim director of ARS Bourgogne Franche-Comté: “I find, for example, that strengthening a palliative care service is an excellent idea because we are behind on this issue. “Doesn’t it launch? Local hospital, strengthening of a palliative care service and the Codef that is still not satisfied? It does not make sense !

By the way, what is a palliative care service: it improves the quality of life of patients and their families, in the face of the consequences of a potentially fatal or incurable disease. Palliative care is, according to the definition of the WHO, a means to “prevent and alleviate suffering by treating pain and other physical, psychological and spiritual problems”. Palliative care will strive, by definition, to accompany the patient to the end of his life by helping him to overcome his physical pain or psychological suffering. It is mainly to support him in his long illness ”. Note that the average length of stay in palliative care is 18 days.

Well, the Codef is not opposed to this service, but is this the response that the population expects regarding the offer of territorial assistance?

Obviously not!

The local hospital etiquette is a red herring and will not make any improvement to the healthcare offering. Many activities are optional:

emergency medicine, local perinatal centers, follow-up and rehabilitation care (SSR), palliative care. And when we know that the options are granted by the ARS we have everything to fear, except perhaps palliative care apparently withheld by the new director. To the “locals” who will have to face the decision to label our hospital, we ask them to take into account the loss of opportunity that it would inflict on a population of 105,000 inhabitants. Yes, we can do otherwise, political will is enough. “

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