Home » today » Entertainment » “Cocaine, breakdowns. And that request to undress at the age of 15 that opened my eyes “- Corriere.it

“Cocaine, breakdowns. And that request to undress at the age of 15 that opened my eyes “- Corriere.it

Kate Moss talked about herself in a very rare personal interview with the BBC: the beginnings («I felt vulnerable and terrified»), the beauty («For my mother I was not photogenic»), the fame, the problems with drugs. And Johnny Depp: “I testified for her because I know the truth about him”

LONDON – It was the image in flesh, blood and legend of Cool Britannia, of that positive, optimistic and creative Great Britain of the beginning of the new millennium, it was the face of the 90s and the standard-bearer of the thin and androgynous look defined as the ‘heroin chicyet behind the bold and intrepid gaze that has pierced millions of goals there were hidden insecurity, fear and loneliness.

Did she feel “objectified”?
“Yes, completely. And vulnerable, terrified».

Notoriously reluctant to talk about herself and her private life, Kate Moss told the BBC
for the Desert Island Disc radio show.

He recalled the beginnings and the surprise in being “Discovery” 14 years after scout Sarah Doukas, bad experiences when she was a beginner, thinness – “never been anorexic, I was naturally thin and because during the photo shoots they didn’t give us food” – i drug problems and the new equilibrium reached now, at 48.

Icon of thousands of covers and advertising campaigns around the world, Moss did not consider herself beautiful as a teenager.

“I didn’t think I had the necessary skills,” he said. “I would never have told anyone I want to be a model, because it would have seemed a vain attitude, that is to say, I think I am beautiful which I never thought of instead.”

She and her mother looked at each other in amazement at Doukas’s proposal – her mother Linda told her “you don’t look particularly photogenic to me” – but they decided to throw themselves into the new adventure.

Once hired by the Storm agency, however, Kate found herself alone. She wandered around London from one date to the next accompanied only by the street guide – “It was tiring” – sometimes running into disreputable individuals, such as the photographer who wanted to use it at the age of 15 for a linen catalog.

“He told me: take off your shirt. I took it off, I was very shy, full of insecurities about my body. And then he said to me: take off your bra. And I felt inside that something was wrong, so I took my things and ran away. Now I can distinguish from a distance who is good and who is not ».

Within a few months Kate’s career took off: the cover of «Face» magazine first, then the advertising campaign for «Calvin Klein».

But if the images remained legendary, the experience was difficult, so much so that before the topless photo shoot, alongside Mark Wahlbergwas forced to take valium and subsequently suffered from a nervous breakdown.

If at the time ofheroin chic he did not have never used heroin, Moss was burned in 2005 by cocaine scandal with the photographs on the front page of the Mirror: he risked losing his daughter Lilawho today is a model (and it was the first engagement of the agency created in 2016 by Kate).

If that is true at that time he was using drugsthe criticisms that involved her and that risked destroying her career smacked of “hypocrisy”: “everyone I knew was taking cocaine», He underlined, specifying that it was« used as a scapegoat ».

Se testified in defense of Johnny Depp it is because – he specified – «I believe in truth and justice. I know the truth about Johnny. I know he never kicked me or pushed me down the stairs. ‘


July 24, 2022 (change July 24, 2022 | 14:37)

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