Home » today » World » Coca-Cola and Pepsi, the most consumed soft drinks by Mexicans according to the top brands of Kantar Worldpanel

Coca-Cola and Pepsi, the most consumed soft drinks by Mexicans according to the top brands of Kantar Worldpanel

These two global brands occupy the first and fourth positions within the Top 5 of the most chosen consumer brands, where Lala and Bimbo are also in second and third place, and Alpura in fifth.

According to the study, Coca-Cola has managed to expand its consumption moments outside of traditional meals.s, offering individual and smaller formats.

  • Thanks to its communication strategiessustainability and the promotion of “sugar-free” ingredients, Pepsi has captured the preference of Mexican consumers.

Highlights its version Pepsi Black, which has increased its penetration and has positioned itself among new audiences thanks to its “sugar-free” label..

As for home consumption occasions, this brand is gaining greater frequency at breakfast.

Cola soft drinks are among the top 5 most consumed brands in Mexico. Photo: Freepik.

Growing preference for sugar-free drinks

He mentioned that some brands are taking advantage of the growth of soft drink versions or sugar-free drinks, an expanding segment due to growing health concerns.

While these two brands continue to dominate the soft drink sector, other categories such as Mineral water and isotonic drinks are gaining ground, driven by heat waves and changes in Mexicans’ consumption preferences.

“The heat has had a lot to do with the growth of beverages, not only in soft drinks, we see it in water, in juices, in orange juices and other types of beverage options,” said Christopher Garfias.

The preference for mineral water has increased because it is a “healthy” alternative to soft drinks. Photo: Freepik.

Mineral water category grows

Presenting the results of the 2023 study, the specialist added that the beverage category led buyers’ preferences in 2023, with the Mineral water showing the greatest growth, reaching 6.3% and reaching 16.3 million buyers.

Peñafiel climbed five positions to rank 15th among 30 brands, thanks to the launch of new flavors.

Besides, Flavored water increased its presence by 1.8 percentage pointsreaching 10.5 million consumers, according to the study.

Patricia González, Director of Customer Service at Kantar, He explained that within the food industry there is a trend towards a balance between health care and indulgence.

Innovations remain relevant and attractive, and many brands are taking advantage of this opportunity to offer more sustainable and healthier products, thereby gaining ground in the market.

Other findings of the study

During the presentation of the study, the specialists highlighted that today, consumers are preferring to pay more for a value-added product.

Here are some other data on consumption trends in Mexico

  • 6% is the expenditure allocated to private brands.
  • 49% of consumer choices are local brands.
  • 23% goes to premium brands.
  • +27% is the growth that the discounter has had, becoming the fastest developing purchasing channel.

Categories that gained new buyers in 2023

  • Mineral water, with 16.3 million buyers
  • Sunscreens and Bronzers, with 4.1 million buyers
  • Isotonic drinks, with 13.6 million buyers
  • Hazelnut and peanut butter, with 7 million buyers
  • Flavored water, with 10.5 million buyers
  • Medicinal soap, with 1.4 million buyers
  • Tomato cocktail, with 6.1 million buyers
  • Conditioner, with 17 million buyers
  • Toothbrushes, with 15.4 million buyers
  • Flavored milk, with 15.7 million buyers

Categories that lost buyers in 2023

  • Paper towels
  • Table chocolate
  • Industrialized pastries
  • Breaders
  • Vegetable milk
  • Air fresheners
  • Avena
  • Powdered drinks
  • Milk powder
  • Hair dye

We recommend: Kantar revealed which products Mexicans consume the most

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