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COBIN claims: Free legal help for victims of attacks / PK rejection

Legal advice for injured persons and relatives

Vienna (OTS) The association COBIN claims condemns the attacks in Vienna in the strongest possible terms: “Terror and hatred must have no place in our society. The rule of law has to defend itself decisively against such attacks – even with all severity, “says chairman Oliver Jaindl:” Where we as a non-profit organization can help is with legal advice. The chairman of the advisory board for lawyers, Dr. Wolfgang Haslinger has therefore offered to offer legal support to injured persons and relatives free of charge in his function as a lawyer, if they wish. Those affected will surely be helped if a lawyer is at their side with profound legal advice in this difficult phase – claims under the Victims Compensation Act will be examined, for example. “

Due to current events, the association will postpone its online PK to the “Civil Society Parliament” scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday.

Inquiries & contact:

Mag. Oliver Jaindl, chairman
01/376 00 31 – 100, 0664/140 55 78

Dr. Wolfgang Haslinger, Lawyer, Chairman of the Advisory Board for Lawyers COBIN claims
01/712 84 79

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