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Coalition urges state to feed all OR school students / Public News Service

It’s National School Lunch Week, and groups in Oregon are taking this opportunity to encourage lawmakers to make school meals available to all children in the state. The coalition School Meals for All is calling for legislation to make breakfast and lunch free for all Oregon students. The coalition also wants lawmakers to adopt the policy during the 2025 legislative session. David Wieland of Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon says the state is already close to meeting this goal.

“About 1,191 schools in the state are already participating and we are only 65 schools away. We are very close to the finish line in realizing this vision,” Wieland emphasized.

Nine states have adopted universal school meals. Opponents have pointed to the high cost of providing meals to all students in the state. But one in six Oregon children faces hunger, according to data from Feeding America.

Loren Naldoza of the Oregon Food Bank explains that free school meals have a number of benefits, including helping students academically.

“Our fight for a universal school feeding program ensures that any student who doesn’t have lunch that day won’t have to worry about being hungry, because there will be something ready for them. And we will see this pay off, in the short and long term,” Naldoza argued.

Wieland adds that the policy being pushed by the School Meals for All coalition would also improve food quality.

“Moving to a free breakfast and lunch program eliminates administrative costs, and our proposal will slightly increase funding so that more money goes toward fresh, cooked-from-scratch ingredients that kids enjoy and deserve,” Wieland further insisted.

Explanatory Note: The Oregon Food Bank contributes to our fund to inform community issues and volunteerism, education, health issues, hunger/food/nutrition. If you would like to help support public interest news, click here.

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It is National School Lunch Week and groups in Oregon are taking the opportunity to encourage lawmakers to make school meals available to every kid in the state.

The School Meals for All coalition is calling for legislation to make breakfast and lunch free for all Oregon students. The coalition wants lawmakers to adopt the policy during the 2025 session.

David Wieland, policy advocate for the group Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon, said the state is already close to the goal.

“About 1,191 schools in the state are already participating and we’re only 65 schools away,” Wieland reported. “We’re so close to the finish line in realizing this vision.”

Nine states have adopted universal school meals. Opponents have pointed to the high cost of providing meals to every student in the state but one in six Oregon children faces hunger, according to Feeding America data.

Loren Naldoza, public policy advocate for Oregon Food Bank, said free school meals have a number of benefits, including helping students academically.

“Our fight for a universal school meals program ensures that any student who doesn’t have a lunch that day won’t have to worry about being hungry because one will be ready for them,” Naldoza emphasized. “We’re going to see this pay off, in the short term and in the long term.”

Wieland added the policy the School Meals for All coalition is pushing for would also improve food quality.

“Moving to free a breakfast and lunch program gets rid of the administrative overhead,” Wieland noted. “Our proposal is going to slightly increase funding so that more money is going to fresh ingredients that are scratch cooked, and children enjoy and deserve.”

Disclosure: Oregon Food Bank contributes to our fund for reporting on Community Issues and Volunteering, Education, Health Issues, and Hunger/Food/Nutrition. If you would like to help support news in the public interest, click here.

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A New Mexico food bank has expanded outreach to the state’s Indigenous communities by hiring a Director of Tribal Relations.

Candice Griego will help Roadrunner Food Bank collaborate more closely with tribal communities to better identify food insecurity and find culturally responsive solutions that respect their needs.

New Mexico is one of the most rural states in the country, and Griego said tribal community members must often travel 50 miles or more to get groceries.

“A lot of these tribal communities are located in rural areas,” said Griego, “where they’re in food deserts, where there’s not necessarily a lot of grocery stores. That’s experienced a lot on the Navajo Reservation.”

Griego, whose background is primarily in healthcare, is enrolled as a Zia Pueblo tribal member. She said the food bank already has started seven new food distributions on the Navajo Nation.

Griego said she hopes to gain a better understanding of which tribes need monthly or bimonthly food distributions from Roadrunner and provide them with culturally appropriate foods when possible.

She said that requires regular outreach to tribal leaders and communities.

“They feel comfortable in connecting with me and asking me for certain food products,” said Griego. “So, just building that relationship and having that comfort level, and them knowing they can reach out to me.”

Native Americans make up nearly 11% of the New Mexico population. In addition to the Navajo Reservation, the state is home to 23 Indian tribes, 19 Pueblos, and three Apache tribes.

The food bank anticipates hosting a tribal community focused event in early November during Native American Heritage Month.

Disclosure: Roadrunner Food Bank contributes to our fund for reporting on Children’s Issues, Community Issues and Volunteering, Hunger/Food/Nutrition, Poverty Issues. If you would like to help support news in the public interest, click here.

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The baby boomer generation is getting older and the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular access to nutritious meals, can present some challenges.

American Health Rankings reports nearly 14% of Illinoisans aged 60 and above were food insecure in the last 12 months.

In 2023, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the Illinois Grocery Initiative into law to offer incentives for grocers to open shop in neighborhoods with food deserts.

Christiana Williams, a registered dietitian, explained the lack of food access is also affected or caused by psychological and mobility factors.

“Many of them are living alone and/or can’t drive anymore,” Williams observed. “There’s that potential of them feeling lonely or isolated, which can really impact their motivation to want to actually go out and choose healthy options. From that mental aspect, it can be super frustrating to lose that sense of independence, that they can’t just go out on their own like they are used to.”

Arthritis in the hands, difficulties with chewing or a lack of having all of their teeth, Williams noted, are additional barriers, which can prevent achieving a balanced diet. She pointed out standing for long periods to prep and cook meals can also create more limitations.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Illinoisans aged 65 and older comprise 11% of the state’s population. Although they may have the best intentions and strive to eat balanced meals, extra help may be needed.

Williams explained speaking with professionals trained in menu planning is an excellent option.

“Many supermarkets have dietitians on staff. Many private practice dietitians take Medicaid and insurance,” Williams outlined. “It’s really all about making sure family members and friends can actually be aware that these resources are out there and connecting those resources with the seniors in their life.”

Williams acknowledged many seniors have limited incomes which influence their food purchases and the misconception exists healthy food is more expensive. She advises following basic nutrition guidelines, knowing specific nutritional needs and using a little strategy for grocery and meal planning.

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