Home » today » Business » Coalition parties remain silent after consultation, but everything points to Rutte III’s resignation

Coalition parties remain silent after consultation, but everything points to Rutte III’s resignation

Tomorrow the Council of Ministers will make a final decision on the resignation of the entire Rutte III cabinet. There will be no extra council of ministers tonight and the party leaders of VVD, CDA, D66 and ChristenUnie have gone home with their own party.

Everything indicates that the Cabinet tomorrow resigns in response to the damning report on the tax authorities’ fraud hunt, the childcare allowance affair. That report harshly criticizes the way in which officials, judges and ministers have dealt with parents who were wrongly accused of fraud.

Report discussed several times

Since the publication of this report at the end of December, the question about the resignation of the cabinet has been in the air, but the ministers wanted to discuss the content of the report first. That has happened several times in it Catshuis. According to Prime Minister Rutte, those talks were only about the content and not about the political consequences.

“The political question will be discussed tomorrow,” said Rutte late tonight on his departure from the Torentje. “I can’t say anything about that in the media right now.”

View the reactions of Rutte, Schouten and Kaag here after the meetings.

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