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Coahuila cinema in times of the covid

A series of cinematographic activities that occupy the local agenda is the Coahuila 2020 Film Festival, which for this edition knows how to adapt to the turbulent times we are living through the pandemic and provide a varied offer.

The project directed and founded by the lagoon actor Eduardo Treviño established for this occasion a series of alliances that allowed him to be at the forefront of virtual times.

Among these collaborations are the Ibero-American Film Festivals and the Mexican Film Festivals networks, as well as work with IMCINE and the FilminLatino digital platform, which precisely this year celebrated a five-year period of promoting the best of national cinema.

In addition to this, the exhibition that began yesterday and will end next Sunday, December 13, brought together 14 works for the Cinema made by Coahuilenses section.

Undoubtedly one of the most interesting productions was Winter Days, directed by Jaiziel Hernández Máynez from Saltillo, which precisely deals with the history of youth in industrial provinces facing transitional periods.

The exhibition also includes a series of talks and talks on current cinematographic work, as well as two recognitions: one for career and another for an honorable mention of the works presented.

Undoubtedly, the exhibition project acquires a new air and gains greater spaces in these times, because instead of canceling its organizers they diversified the way of offering the promotion of northern cinema.

It can be said that they are at the level of great Mexican festivals that knew how to do things despite the covid-19.

Those interested in knowing more about this project and its activities should be aware of the facebook: Coahuila Film Show.

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