Home » today » Business » CO2 traffic lights at Saxon schools are a long time coming

CO2 traffic lights at Saxon schools are a long time coming

Dresden (dpa/sn) – Actually, the classrooms in Saxony’s schools should have been equipped with CO2 traffic lights for a long time – but the purchase has been delayed. The procurement process is still ongoing, said the spokesman for the Ministry of Education, Dirk Reelfs, on Saturday. The “Sächsische Zeitung” had previously reported that the ministry originally wanted to distribute the devices after the autumn holidays.

The CO2 traffic lights are intended to help protect teachers and students from infection with the corona virus or other viruses. The devices indicate when the air quality in a room is deteriorating and should be ventilated. The state is providing seven million euros for the purchase of around 40,000 CO2 traffic lights.

The Free State wanted to order the carbon dioxide meters centrally and then distribute them. After an initial tender, however, no contract could be awarded, said Reelfs. Because of legal concerns, a second procedure has been initiated, which is not yet complete. According to the “Sächsische Zeitung”, it is uncertain whether this will happen by the end of the school year.

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