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CNSS/CNOPS merger, the state of play

The proposed merger between the National Fund of Social Security Organizations (CNOPS) and the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), the examination of which was postponed a few weeks ago, should mark an important step in the reform of the system social protection in Morocco. Introduced by bill 54.23, this plan aims to unify the management of compulsory health insurance (AMO) schemes under the direction of the CNSS. This reform, led by Minister of Health Khalid Ait Taleb, promises centralization of the management of health insurance schemes, with the integration of civil servants currently covered by the CNOPS into the CNSS system. It also provides for the transfer of assets and liabilities from CNOPS to CNSS and the guarantee of the rights of CNOPS employees in terms of social security and pensions.

The objectives of this reform are multiple. First, it aims to simplify procedures and improve the efficiency of the system by centralizing the management of the AMO. This should facilitate access to care for all insured persons, whether in the public, private or non-contributing sectors. Then, the reform seeks to ensure the financial viability of the system by using the financial surpluses of the CNSS to absorb the deficits of the CNOPS, whose financial situation has become worrying. Finally, it aims to modernize services, by eliminating coordination problems with mutual insurance companies and making processes more fluid and transparent.

However, this reform faces strong opposition, notably from the Moroccan Labor Union (UMT). The union criticizes the hasty way in which the project was designed and denounces the lack of consultation with the social partners. He is concerned about the potential consequences for the 3.1 million CNOPS beneficiaries, fearing a deterioration of services due to the disparities between the two funds. The UMT also remains skeptical about the guarantee of civil servants’ rights and is concerned about a possible decline in the quality of care, an increase in file processing times and more bureaucratic management.

The merger between CNOPS and CNSS is part of a broader reform of social protection and pensions in Morocco. The solvency of pension funds is a major issue, especially in the context of an aging population. The CNSS, with its financial surpluses, could stabilize the deficits of the CNOPS, thus contributing to the sustainability of the health insurance and retirement system. However, the success of this reform will depend on the government’s ability to manage this transition without causing a drop in the quality of services offered to policyholders.


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