The Tax Policy Unit (UPF) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance organized, on March 16, 2023, in Lomé, a joint launch workshop for the activities of the National Committee for Monitoring the Fiscal Transition Program (CNPTF) , and the National Committee for the Evaluation of Tax Expenditures (CONEDEF). The overall mission of these two Committees is to improve the technical framework for optimal mobilization of national resources for the financing of development projects, and to ensure adequate management of the country’s financial resources, for inclusive and sustainable growth, with a view to of the well-being of populations.
The official launch, on March 16, 2023, in Lomé, of the activities of the National Committee for Monitoring the Tax Transition Program (CNPTF), and the National Committee for the Evaluation of Tax Expenditures (CONEDEF), is part of the implementation by Togo of the decision taken by the WAEMU member states in 2006 on the fiscal transition program.
According to the explanations of the director of the Fiscal Policy Unit (UPF), Mr. Délalom Koffi Ahiakpor, this decision enshrines the progressive transfer of door taxation to internal taxation, following the principles of financial transition, which results in a progressive reduction in the amounts collected from customs duties, and by a substantial increase in the taxes collected within the States. In order to ensure maximum revenue mobilization, WAEMU recommends that member countries assess the tax expenditures that constitute ” shortfall “ for the State because of the exemptions. Togo, having integrated this WAEMU decision, set up the CNPTF and the CONEDEF, whose activities are coordinated by the Tax Policy Unit (UPF) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. CONEDEF is responsible for collecting and compiling tax data, with a view to preparing annual reports for the evaluation of tax expenditures. The CNPTF, for its part, is responsible for evaluating performance indicators and monitoring the implementation of the tax transition program, in accordance with WAEMU community requirements. Thus, these two Technical Committees have the essential mission of improving the technical framework for optimal mobilization of national resources and adequate management of the country’s financial resources, for inclusive and sustainable growth.
To enlighten the participants, mainly composed of members of the said Committees, on their missions, several community texts framing the work of the two Committees were presented. Among other things, the decrees creating and appointing members of the CNPTF and CONEDEF, the community texts on the tax transition program and related documents, the assessment report on tax expenditures for the 2021 financial year, the latest assessment of the Togo by the WAEMU Commission on the implementation of the Tax Transition Program and other texts committing the two Committees. In addition, there was group work on the CNPTF and CONEDEF roadmap projects.
The members of the Committees at the opening of the workshop
On the occasion, the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ms. Akou Mawusse Adétou-Afiadényigba, expressed her gratitude to the Head of State, “whose leadership is no longer to be demonstrated in the direction of reforms aimed at cleaning up public finances”. She hailed the entire government “who spares no effort to support the design and implementation of tax policy that contributes to the implementation of the 2020-2025 government roadmap, strongly aligned with community guidelines”. The chief of staff did not forget to express the government’s gratitude to the technical and financial partners involved in the process of improving the public finance framework in Togo.