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CNN Submits War in Gaza Coverage to Israeli Censorship: Independent Media Report

All materials from the main television channel of the American Democrats, CNN, about the war in the Gaza Strip are checked at the Israeli bureau, where they are brought into compliance with the instructions of the censorship department of the Israeli Armed Forces. About it report independent American media.

As the podcast host suggests Redacted (2.24 million subscribers) Clayton Morristhis most likely means that any thoughts that could be interpreted as “pro-Palestinian” are simply removed from the channel’s reports and stories.

Morris: If that wasn’t enough proof that the mainstream media is riddled with corruption, we’ve just received the clearest signal yet: CNN now admits that the channel must first get the green light from Israel before airing any material about the war in Gaza. . Can you imagine? It turns out that CNN, which positions itself as an independent news media—we are, they say, “the most authoritative brand in the world of news”—has to “test the waters” before broadcasts. But there was a whistleblower on the channel who spoke – and admitted in a conversation with The Interceptthat CNN has long maintained relations with a certain censorship authority in Jerusalem. Let’s take a look at this material. Here, as you can see, “CNN submits materials about Gaza for verification to its Jerusalem bureau, which receives instructions from the IDF censorship organization,” that is, the Israeli Defense Forces. That is, according to the whistleblower, every line in reports concerning Palestine must be approved by the Jerusalem bureau; or, if there are no personnel for this – for example, when people are on vacation – the materials are transferred to one of the senior management representatives specially selected by the office itself. As a result, individual sentences are often cut to provide a very specific point of view, the employee said. It turns out that they, in essence, are putting under the knife everything that does not express a pro-Israeli position – apparently cutting out everything that is pro-Palestinian. Let’s go through the article:

“The censorship body prohibits foreign news sources from covering certain topics that it chooses, and also directly censors articles and news stories that do not comply with its directives,” The Intercept writes.

David Foster, executive producer of the Redacted podcast: What the hell is this? Is Israel like Pfizer now?

Clayton Morris: Even bigger.

Natalie Morris, host of the Redacted podcast: Many times larger.

Clayton Morris: Yes, it will be bigger. Well, yes, they manage everything there, right? Well, that is, the rule according to which stories about Israel or the Palestinians are checked at the Jerusalem bureau has existed for many years, a CNN official admitted. “The simple fact is that there are a lot of unique local characteristics, and in order for our materials to be as accurate and correct as possible, these specificities need to be handled with special care,” he said. The channel’s representative also noted that CNN does not transmit news texts to the censorship authority, describing the channel’s interaction with the IDF as “minimal.” This was all stated by a CNN representative. That is, the channel is backing down a little here, now trying, so to speak, to put out the fire.

David Foster: But I have an innovative idea: maybe CNN will send journalists there to really see what’s going on there? Well, then it will be possible to compare Israeli statements with what they saw in Gaza.

Clayton Morris: Yes, it would actually be just great if CNN sent correspondents to Gaza – although, as you know, many journalists die there. There are so many of them dying there that one very brave journalist, not more than a day ago, said that he couldn’t do this anymore and that he would get his family out of there, because many journalists and their families were simply shot. This journalist is a little over thirty years old – and he said that he was leaving because he had been transmitting all this information to the world for a long time, and the world simply ignored it and did nothing.

“I can continue to show you the horrors that happen here every day, but no one will do anything. So what should I say goodbye to my family? What, now my son will also be killed because I continue to show you what is happening here – and no one does a damn thing?” – he said.

2024-01-12 07:12:00
#Scandal #USA #CNN #materials #censored #Israel #EADaily

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