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CNN Report Reveals ‘Catastrophic’ National Security Risks of Artificial Intelligence, Urging Immediate Government Intervention

Breaking <a data-ail="4929438" target="_blank" href="https://www.world-today-news.com/category/news/" >News</a>: Alarming Report Reveals National Security Risks of Artificial Intelligence

Breaking News: Alarming Report Reveals National Security Risks of Artificial Intelligence

Clear and Urgent Need to Intervene

Concerns Over National Security Risks

A new report released this week points towards the “catastrophic” national security risks associated with the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI). Compiled over the course of more than a year, this alarming report emphasizes that time is running out for the US federal government to prevent a potential disaster. The report, commissioned by the US State Department and conducted by Gladstone AI, is based on interviews with more than 200 individuals, including top executives from leading AI companies, cybersecurity researchers, weapons of mass destruction experts, and national security officials. According to the report, the advanced AI systems, in a worst-case scenario, could pose “an extinction-level threat to the human species.”

Experts Warn of Two Central Dangers

Gladstone AI’s report highlights two critical dangers associated with AI. Firstly, it suggests that advanced AI systems could be weaponized, leading to potentially irreversible damage. Secondly, private concerns within AI labs raise the specter of “losing control” over the very systems that are being developed, which could result in devastating consequences for global security. The report draws parallels between the rise of AI and the introduction of nuclear weapons and warns of an AI “arms race” as well as conflicts and “WMD-scale fatal accidents.”

Immediate Government Intervention Required

Gladstone AI’s report urgently calls for significant actions to confront these potential risks. It proposes the establishment of a new AI agency, the implementation of “emergency” regulatory safeguards, and the imposition of limits on the amount of computer power used to train AI models. The report asserts that intervention by the US government is imperative to safeguard against the potential existential threats outlined in the report.

Prominent Figures Sound the Alarm

Gloomy predictions regarding the risks of AI are not confined to Gladstone AI’s report. The so-called “Godfather of AI,” Geoffrey Hinton, warned of a 10% chance of AI leading to human extinction within the next three decades. Similarly, AI industry leaders and academics have signed a statement highlighting the importance of mitigating the risks of AI to avoid the possibility of global extinction. Additionally, top business executives, despite investing billions of dollars in AI development, expressed concerns about AI destroying humanity within a decade.

Rapid AI Evolution and Safeguards

The rapid development of artificial general intelligence (AGI), a form of AI with human-like or even superhuman abilities, is a significant wildcard in the quest for mitigating AI risks. While some industry titans like OpenAI, Google DeepMind, Anthropic, and Nvidia have predicted AGI’s arrival by 2028, other experts caution that AGI’s development is much further away. Disagreements surrounding AGI’s timeline hinder the establishment of effective policies and safeguard measures. It is critical to strike a balance between the rapid evolution of AI and the imperative to develop regulations that avoid potential harms associated with the technology’s misuse.

Risks of AI-Based Threats

Gladstone AI’s related document specifically identifies potential dangers presented by AGI and AGI-level capabilities. It highlights the possibility of AI systems being weaponized to carry out high-impact cyberattacks and to generate widespread disinformation campaigns that erode societal trust and disrupt institutions. Furthermore, weaponized robotic applications, psychological manipulation, weaponized biological and material sciences, and the potential for AI systems to act as an uncontrollable and adversarial force exacerbate the overall risks to global security.

Call for Government Action

The Gladstone AI report serves as an urgent call to the US government for swift and effective intervention to address the national security implications of AI. It is crucial to prioritize global cooperation in addressing the potential risks associated with AI and AGI. By working together, governments and AI stakeholders can strive to establish policies and regulations that protect humanity and harness the potential of AI for the greater good.

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