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CNN anchor sent to Kang Kyung-hwa to support the North Korean Warfare Act? Mistranslation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha is conducting an interview with CNN chief correspondent Christian Amanpo (left) on the 16th (local time). [CNN방송 캡처]

While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promotes the contents of the interview on CNN broadcast by Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa, it is frowning upon mistranslating the remarks of the moderators on the ‘Amendment to the North-South Relations Development Act.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs “mistranslation, an inexcusable mistake”
Corrective action for the translated subtitle video immediately
Human rights organization “CNN distortion, international embarrassment”

CNN chief correspondent and international affairs expert Christian Amanpo (pictured) spoke with the intention of criticizing the North Korean side’s armed response to warfare against North Korea, which he introduced as a sympathy with the South Korean government’s anti-warfare law.

In a CNN interview aired on the 16th (local time), Minister Kang replied to a question on the Anti-North Korea Warfare Act, saying, “Freedom of expression is not an absolute right.”

Next, Minister Kang mentioned the case in which North Korea fired anti-aircraft guns at Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi-do at the balloon of North Korea’s warfare in 2014, and the military tensions intensified as our military responded. “When a flyer balloon was recently launched, North Korea responded with a complete explosion of the Kaesong inter-Korean liaison office,” he added.

Amanpo said, “I heard it was an anti-aircraft gun against the North Korean warfare, which was a big offense,” he said. “But it’s still the DMZ.” Criticizing the excessive response, such as the use of force against the North Korean warfare, he referred to the specificity of the region.

CNN Chief Correspondent Christian Amanpo, who criticizes North Korea's excessive response to the North Korean warfare. [외교부 유튜브 캡처]

CNN Chief Correspondent Christian Amanpo, who criticizes North Korea’s excessive response to the North Korean warfare. [외교부 유튜브 캡처]

– However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduced this video on social media such as Youtube and Facebook of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and sent out subtitles different from Amanpo’s purpose.

“After listening to the word, it seems very important to respond to problems such as spreading warfare against North Korea or firing from the North.”It was introduced as a nuance in supporting the Democratic Party and the Korean government, which dealt with the anti-North Korea warfare ban.

The YouTube scene of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduces the mistranslation of Christian Amanpo's remarks. [외교부 유튜브 캡처]

The YouTube scene of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduces the mistranslation of Christian Amanpo’s remarks. [외교부 유튜브 캡처]

– Regarding this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “Because there are many interviews, it was a mistranslation that occurred in the translation process. It was a mistake without excuses. I will look more closely so that there are no errors.” In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately corrected the relevant contents when the contents were pointed out.

Hee-seok Shin, legal analyst at TJWG, a human rights investigation and recording organization, said, “The government should not induce international disgrace by distorting and translating foreign media reports such as CNN, but take seriously the concerns of human rights violations in the international community such as the United Nations.” Pointed out.

Reporter Dayoung Kim [email protected]

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