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CNDH admits PAN complaint against López-Gatell

The CNDH admitted the complaint presented by the PAN senators against the undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion of the Ministry of Health, Hugo López-Gatell


The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) admitted the complaint presented by the PAN senators against the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion of the Ministry of Health, Hugo López-Gatell, for the decisions made regarding the national strategy against Covid 19, and the Fifth Vice Province will be in charge of the investigation.

On August 14, the parliamentary group was notified that the complaint presented was admitted and that the investigations and the corresponding procedures will begin immediately. The complaint admitted by this National Human Rights Commission will be in charge of the Fifth General Inspection ”, announced this morning Josefina Vázquez Mota, during a virtual conference of the PAN parliamentary group in the Senate.

The federal legislator specified that the admission “states that our complaint has had all the technical and legal elements coming”.

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He explained that once the complaint is admitted, the CNDH “will be sending a communication to the authority designated as responsible for this alleged violation of human rights, which in this case is the Ministry of Health, and in a particular way, Dr. López Gatell, who within a maximum period of 15 days, these instances must render a report on their acts, omissions or resolutions attributed to them in the complaint.

If they do not present this report, the facts stated in the complaint will be considered to be true, unless there is evidence to the contrary, “he said.

The CNDH also has the power to issue precautionary or precautionary measures.

This means that it could be conservation for the purpose of guaranteeing medical attention to people who require it and restitution for those people who have become ill or for people linked to those who have already died, unfortunately and who unfortunately today in our country number dozens of thousands, due to the lack of attention or erroneous governmental measures, which is what we are putting in this complaint ”, he explained.

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Josefina Vazquez Mota He recalled that the CNDH can issue a recommendation or a non-responsibility agreement.

What do I mean? That the authority will have 15 business days to say whether or not it accepts the recommendation, in this case the Ministry of Health and those involved. If you accept it, you will have another 15 days to prove that you have complied with it. And in case of not accepting it, it will establish, motivate and make its refusal public. If this is the case, they could be summoned to the Senate immediately, or to the Permanent Commission, which will demand that they explain this refusal ”.

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