Home » today » Entertainment » “Clubhouse Invited” Psychology to post screenshots on SNS and appeal: J-CAST Trend[Full text display]

“Clubhouse Invited” Psychology to post screenshots on SNS and appeal: J-CAST Trend[Full text display]

The voice SNS “Clubhouse” is rapidly gaining attention. A major feature is the “invitation system”, and in order to use it, it is necessary to wait for an official invitation after registration or to be invited by another user.

While many people want to be invited, the number of invitations per person is limited.In the flea market app “Mercari”Listings that sell invitation slots for thousands of yen were also rampant... On SNS, a number of users were happy to report that they were “invited to the Clubhouse” and “started the Clubhouse.”

  • I want to post “I received an invitation from Clubhouse”! ??

  • I want to post

In addition to posting “reports”, there are also things that you can offer

Celebrities, including talent and singer Takeshi Tsuruno and comedian Hiroiki Ariyoshi, have also reported that they have started a Clubhouse on Twitter.

Also, in the tweets of general users, there are dozens or more tweets in a day that inform you that “Clubhouse has started” and “Invited” with a screenshot image of the profile on the Clubhouse.

In addition, there are also conspicuous posts that offer transactions, such as “Invite for 1500 yen per slot”, “Invite people who follow and retweet”, and “I will teach you how to get unlimited slots by following and retweet”. In return for follow-ups and retweets, some posts were invited with more than 200 retweets.

Why is it attracting so much attention? The word “FOMO” often appears in articles in multiple media. According to an article in “Modern Business” dated January 31, “fear of missing out = alienation, fear of overlooking” means that tickling this psychology “will definitely make you want to participate.” ..

“CNET Japan” dated January 28 also pointed out that FOMO is occurring in the user’s psychology. “Every time people complain that they want to catch up as soon as possible, or invite anyone, the awareness of Clubhouse will grow,” he said.

“I’m in fashion” “I thought I’d be proud”

A male office worker in his 20s in Tokyo, who was interviewed by J-CAST Trend, started Clubhouse at the invitation of a colleague and posted that fact on SNS. When asked about his feelings, he said, “It’s because of the appeal that I’m in fashion.”

Others post that they have been invited. “I think it’s a Miha heart or a mount (to show off your superiority),” the man said. The app itself is said to be “a good way to kill time for corona.” As for the usage situation, he said that he mainly uses it to listen to chats between celebrities.

A male office worker in his 20s living in Osaka said, “I didn’t really know what kind of app it was.” On the other hand, he said he was proud to be invited by Clubhouse and asked a friend to accept the invitation. After that, he reported the start on SNS.

Regarding the start reports of other users, “I think it’s the same as myself.” Regarding Clubhouse, he said, “It’s fun to connect with new people.”

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