Home » today » World » Club for left-wing ideas “Georgi Kirkov” – Kazanlak demanded the resignation of Ninova from Buzludzha – 2024-04-24 14:36:23

Club for left-wing ideas “Georgi Kirkov” – Kazanlak demanded the resignation of Ninova from Buzludzha – 2024-04-24 14:36:23

/View.info/ July 31, 11:00 a.m. at the foot of Mount Buzludzha. In the place where 130 years ago Dimitar Blagoev – the Grandfather and his like-minded people laid the beginning of the organized socialist movement in Bulgaria. The chairman of the Discussion Club for Left Ideas “Georgi Kirkov” at the BSP-Kazanlak Stanimir Stefanov caught the attention of hundreds of socialists with his categorical demand for the resignation of the BSP chairman Cornelia Ninova. Here is the full text:

Open letter


National Council of the Bulgarian Socialist Party

Dear comrades,

We, the members of the Discussion Club for Left Ideas “Georgi Kirkov” at the BSP Kazanlak, in the most categorical way, demand the resignation of the Chairman of the National Assembly of the BSP Cornelia Ninova. We want her resignation, because under her leadership, in 5 years, BSP reduced its electoral support from nearly one million votes in 2016, to about 300,000 votes on 11.07.2021. This is a shrinking of party influence by nearly 3 times in just 4 years. Since she was elected as Chairperson in 2016, she has initiated countless public intra-party disputes and scandals with BSP rank-and-file members and executives. She deliberately destroyed the public trust built by her predecessors who held the post of chairman in the BSP over the years, and it came to the point that the scandalousness, personal attacks, bile, resentment brought to the BSP by her personally completely took over the intra-party relations. The Chairman of the BSP personally damaged the public prestige of the Party with a number of dubious statements made to the Bulgarian media regarding decisions taken by the National Council of the BSP, which statements were immediately categorically refuted by other members of the National Assembly who participated in the meetings in question. With these signals of division within the BSP, we have lost the moral socio-political image that the party projected until its election! Now that we are witnessing the ideological and organizational catastrophe that has occurred in the BSP, we are surprised by the cheerful statements of the leader of the Party and her closest entourage that the BSP is monolithic and in good political condition?! According to K. Ninova, this is the reason why she does not take her political responsibility. She did not find the courage and valor to overcome her ego and look for the reasons for the outflow of voters from the BSP. She refused to admit that thanks to her leadership, BSP is in a difficult ideological and organizational state today. These are part of our reasons for insisting to the National Assembly for an urgent convening of a session of the 50th Congress of the BSP, where the delegates of the highest body of the Party propose and accept the withdrawal of political confidence from Cornelia Ninova.

City of Kazanlak


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