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Club board members Gert and Wörner: Developed ideas from a marketing warehouse

Ortenau (rec). “Not offering our members a program was not an option,” recalls Sandra Wörner, member of the board of the Marketing Club Offenburg-Ortenau and responsible for the events at the first lockdown in spring. On March 9th, the club was able to hold an event in the Burda Tower for the last time, at which memory trainer Boris Nikolai Konrad, members and guests met in person. In an interview with the Guller editorial team, Marketing Club President Duschan Gert and Sandra Wörner briefly look back on the year that is coming to an end, but above all on the future.

“We connect people and make marketing tangible”

“We exchanged ideas with other marketing clubs in Baden,” reports Wörner. Digital formats were quickly developed for Ortenau, and a TV studio-like atmosphere was created in Rheinau-Rheinbischofsheim, which is now referred to as a marketing warehouse. Marketing, which has its own value in these times, has been revived.

“Even if video conferencing is now part of everyday business, we want our claim, ‘We connect people and make marketing tangible’, to be the focus,” emphasizes Gert. Because: “A real community has now developed. We want to stay with our members.” A member survey showed that panel discussions were also desired. This project was already implemented in autumn. “Even with these digital formats, we are experiencing an unbelievable response from our members,” says Gert, who believes that the marketing club is well positioned.

A central event and the social highlight of the club is the meanwhile annual award of the Marketing Prize. This year it had to be canceled, but should take place again in 2021. “We will be making a proposal in January and we hope that our members will agree,” says Gert, who is certain that the marketing prize will be “a real blast”.

“Of course we have already booked our speakers for the coming year, even if we have to plan for the time being,” says Sandra Wörner, confirming the unrestricted creativity of the Marketing Club team: “But we want to meet our claim of connecting people again.” In conclusion, Duschan Gert adds: “There is a lot of catching up to do in terms of direct contacts.” Marketing lives off of this, especially since the instrument has undergone enormous changes in the past few months.

Marketing term

The next appointment from the marketing warehouse will take place on Monday, December 14th, from 6.30 p.m. “Expedition Innovation – on the trail of the secrets of Silicon Valley” is the theme of bestselling author, management lecturer and TV presenter Gerriet Danz. Non-members can also register once for this live stream transmission from the marketing warehouse under the Link bookingplace.de/?vid=2F16C166-AA2F-EB11-A813-000D3AB11026&cid=mcoo Sign in. More information also with the link on the Homepage des Marketing Clubs: marketing-club-ortenau.de.

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