Home » today » Entertainment » Clown and Comedian Viggo Venn: From Britain’s Got Talent to TV 2’s ‘Forræder’

Clown and Comedian Viggo Venn: From Britain’s Got Talent to TV 2’s ‘Forræder’

Clown and comedian Viggo Venn (34) has received a lot of attention both in England and Norway, after he ran away with the victory in the talent competition “Britain’s Got Talent” this summer.

From being a relatively unknown clown, he has now been on “everyone’s” lips for the past six months, and these days he is current as a participant in the audience favorite “Forræder” on TV 2.

Also read: Viggo Venn was close to giving up on the clown dream: – It was absolutely terrible

Now Venn reveals that it was during the recording of the TV program that his feature went viral around the world and he had his breakthrough.

Went viral during filming

When Nettavisen met Venn in connection with the press screening of the program in September, he was able to reveal that he came straight from an audition in England before checking in at Villa Midtåsen in Sandefjord, where “Forræder” is recorded.

– I had just been to the “Britain’s Got Talent” audition, but you don’t know if you will appear on TV until it is actually broadcast. And on day two of the recording, my clip comes out on the internet where I take off my vests, Venn said.

Watch Viggo Venn’s audition here:

According to Venn, there was then a good atmosphere among the participants, and he was, among other things, encouraged to put on a reflective vest – which he used for the rest of the recording. However, the outfit change would prove to be a bit challenging.

– It caused a bit of trouble for the production. The yellow vests steal much of the focus on the camera. The production had a bit of a difficult job with the color correction, and I don’t think the cameraman was too happy about it, he laughed and continued:

– I entered there as a fairly unknown person, almost none of the participants knew who I was, but suddenly there was a really good atmosphere and everyone cheered me on, Venn said.

As the viral video clip went around the world, interview requests and job offers poured into his inbox.

– It was completely crazy. My email was boiling and I had maybe fifteen minutes to go through it during the day. It also took off on social media. I entered “Forræder” with 2,000 followers and left with 40,000, Venn said with a laugh.

However, Venn is glad that he was busy with the TV recording during the two weeks he got his big break. According to the clown from Kongsberg, it was a great way to take it in and avoid success going to his head.

Also read: Viggo Venn gives back: – As a thank you for letting me join the gang

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Even though Venn’s success in the limelight has only lasted a scant six months, we still know little about “the whole of Norway’s clown”. Venn has deliberately tried to hide his true self, which became difficult when he debuted on the reality show.

– I think it is another side of me that comes out. It’s been pretty well hidden who I really am, so I’m very nervous. Here I am myself, and it is very unusual that there is no audience in there, he said, referring to the “Traitor” recording.

Venn said that he is most used to entertaining from a stage, and not watching himself on TV. He admitted that it is a bit embarrassing to see himself on “Traitor”.

– I am embarrassed to look at it, when I see it I wonder who I am and don’t understand anything, he said with a twinkle in his eye.

Had a breakdown

Those who have seen “Traitor” know that it is a very intense and psychological game. According to Venn, all the participants were nervous and a little afraid of what might happen during the recording.

For Venn, the game went to his head, when during the recording he became obsessed with finding out who was the traitor.

– I went crazy, me. It is impossible to know who is a traitor, you make up stories in your head, but it is impossible to know. There is also the famous reality bubble. I started picking up all sorts of weird things, he said and continued:

– Suddenly I got hung up on the fact that Michael was sitting a little strangely with his hand, or that Desta was sitting and tripping a little with his foot. You actually become a cow-cow.

Without revealing too much, Venn could also reveal that he even had a small breakdown in there and broke down in tears during the recording.

– I started to cry, but I don’t know if it will be on TV. We sat in the car, I also had to pee badly, so I stopped the car and ran out. While I was standing there peeing, I started sobbing and crying, but I didn’t understand why, he said with a laugh.

2023-10-17 20:48:02
#Viggo #Venn #Traitor #change #Created #trouble #production

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