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Cloudy skies and showers, indicating the weather forecast for Thursday morning in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

health is very necessary.ana: and with how expensive they aremedical services, neededhave insurance and also athis is very important informationmorning.rafael: what will happen in theweather.lucrecia: we live in an areahuge where we cover manycounties, wings of 10,000,000 ofpeople, sometimes it’s importantto pay attention so thatknow exactly what we arespeaking and which regions arewill be affected, this is therain system in thismoment, you notice it esálocated south of newjersey, in the next few hourswe will see some elulas of thiseffect by bringing some precisesmall citations to ourregion, for example is betweenmorris county and passaicfor 9:30 in the morning,then another elula at 11:00am in the new metro areayork and we will see this trendon the day for lasa 12:45 almost1:00 pm another celllocated in the south ofmorris county, we’ll seea few isolated drizzlesflashing, it’s not going to rainfor everyone, nor willsome chance ofisolated showersspecifically in thesurrounding countymorris in bergen countyand passaic, are the ones thatchance of showerswill tend during the nexthours and until 5:00 in theafternoon.At current temperatures77 newark, 73 en manhattan, aDespite those temperatureswe will have a day a littleless alid than we hadyesterday, the maximum will belocating the 81 in newark, 80in new york, on long island and

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