Home » today » News » Cloudy Skies and Cold Conditions for Sunday Night in New York, According to the Weather Forecast | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Cloudy Skies and Cold Conditions for Sunday Night in New York, According to the Weather Forecast | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

began to study the situationwith mild intomas in aeffort to discover therepercussions of thiscombination of the two viruses andits impact on the human body.we return with this fannyso you can tell us what is thesituation and if we will seepóximos ías u horas.>> everything seems to indicate that yes.on monday morning we will seethis snow. the models weshow a little accumulationin the city and surroundingswe see on our radar whatthey are isolated showers,especially in the south of thetown. southern part ofqueens. this because the systemquickly to our area ismoving from the statesfett ando of form to the intense wingsstates like washington,the carolinas, but let’sreceive these outer bandscold front and this air thatcomes from the northwest. thisis what this snow will bring usmorning. let’s see whenit starts to snow. we see thatincreases the probability ofprecipitation from4:00 in the morning, but you dointense we will not see betweeneight 9:00 in the morning, butas you can see it is not a100% probability. can bedispersed. in whichtemperatures kept dropping.tomorrow we start the day with 30,but in the afternoon we will be in28. you have to bundle up verygood. there follows a neatnessprecipitate in the morningabout 40% and let’s see itin images. at this 4:00light snow coming in from thesouth. even rain added to thistime in parts of the area. to thatof the nine or 10 these zonesblue is a bit darker. iswhen it intensifies a little thissnow and this stays more in thesouthern area of ​​the city and alsopart of downtown new jersey,but we see that in all of ourmetropolitan area is expectedsnowflakes. we’ll seethis accumulation foreseenthat the models show us.for now an inch and a halfin the city of manhattan.we can get closer to three“. these parts possiblyuntil six and seven, but noeveryone agrees withthis. we see in new jersey aability to view up to 10inches, but remember thatalso part of thisprecipitation can besleet. it’s not that we’re going tosee this great layer of snow,but if we are going to prepare.you have to take out these bullets,be prepared to facepossible dangerous conditionson the roads and see that thetemperatures will be enoughyou would be except wednesdaywhen a cold front passes

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