Offenbach (dpa/lrs) – In the middle of the week it will be cloudy and rainy in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. As the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Tuesday in Offenbach, Wednesday started cloudy, but the cloud cover became increasingly dense throughout the day. The maximum temperatures on Wednesday are between 12 and 17 degrees. Moderate winds are blowing from the east, although strong gusts can occur at high altitudes. Clouds and rain will also dominate Thursday night.
Thursday starts with dense clouds and isolated rain, which becomes more widespread in the south as the day progresses. With some fresh winds from the south and southeast, maximum temperatures rise to 14 to 18 degrees.
At the end of the week it will remain cloudy and partly rainy both during the day and at night, according to the meteorologists’ forecast. On Friday, maximum temperatures between 11 and 16 degrees will be reached with moderate winds. In the mountains, however, it can be stormy, according to the DWD.
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