univisón page.>> we return to talk about the>> a cool Sunday, to thishour the temperature dropped, atmeans 60, we see this area andparts of the bronx, are you watchingrains affecting us nowsame and this continued throughoutat night, we have a zonelow pressure on the coast thatit’s going to stay parked andwe bring humid conditions,downpours and also thetemperatures goto go up, we see that it is theprobability of precipitationit’s a bit lower, thatsystem is localized a bitYou go east. tonight70 in the city, quitehumid and almost that feelsuncomfortable, temperaturesbegin to increase, we will havea cloudy day again,pretty wet and stufftemperatures will continueincreasing, we see that there ispossibility of seeing rain.Mars again with a rounddownpour in rounds of theearly morning, then conditionsa little less cloudy, likevery hot conditions,especiallyfrom Wednesday untiltemperatures on fridaycould exceed 90 andindex