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Cloud cover and high humidity, the forecast for New York during the night of this Tuesday | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

December 1907.what we want to know is ifis this a good night forstroll through times square, or yesit is better to leave it for another dayof the week.we spoke with liliana allende.Liliana: the night is an idea,we have dry conditions. theprobability of rain isínima.we have cloudiness, it’s cooland there is no heat.we have a lot of humidity.if you don’t like humidity, nobecause it is about 82%.if you want to go for a walk, withoutno problem.temperatures in the nexthour to hour and a half between 70 awe started the increase.this is the preamble to whattomorrow comes because heat is coming.in the next three yearswe will be from 89 to 92.the heat returns to ourarea. we have warning fordense haze for the whole northfrom new jersey, so muchcaution when driving. is betterhandle a little with lessspeed in the latterhours and extends toearly morning. in Pennsylvania and inpink there is a storm warningsevere until 6:45. for himsouthern new jersey in colorsorange and southwesternnew jersey is warning forheat until 8:00 in thenight. temperatures andsensation factor areover 90. one nightcloudy, cool and very humidour area. if we give it alook at the next days,They are very close to 90, forat least for four daysconsecutive and the weekalso. this next week andthe one that comes, manytemperatures are going to exceed90 with a factor ofsensation of high humidity.prepare for intense heatour area. probabilityrain morning of 36, in the afternoonand the weekend a littleunstable.we could have rain for him

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