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Closure of Bouznika and Cherrat beaches: what we know

The beaches of the province of Benslimane, including the famous seaside resort of Bouznika, will be closed this Friday at midnight, under a decision intended to stop the spread of the pandemic of the new coronavirus (Covid-19).

“Swimming will be prohibited in all the beaches within the territory of the province of Benslimane, from Friday August 21, 2020, at midnight”, we read in this decision taken by the governor Samir El Yazidi, within the framework of the tightening of preventive measures. The application of this measure has been entrusted to the local administrative authorities and to the security services, each in its field of competence, in coordination with the provincial services of the Equipment and the territorial communities of Bouznika, El Mansouria and Cherrat.

The beaches of the province are experiencing a massive influx of vacationers, particularly in Bouznika and El Mansouria, where summer rental prices have skyrocketed in recent weeks.

Since the appearance of the pandemic, the province of Benslimane has recorded 273 cases of contamination, including 224 having fully recovered and 2 deaths, according to a report from the Health delegation, stopped on Friday August 20 at 3:00 p.m.

SL (with MAP)

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