Home » today » News » Closure of Another Longstanding Bookstore: After 35 Years, Sparrow House Bookstore in Fengyuan Shuts Down in April.

Closure of Another Longstanding Bookstore: After 35 Years, Sparrow House Bookstore in Fengyuan Shuts Down in April.

Mahjong House Bookstore, which has been in business for 35 years in Fengyuan District, Taichung City, announced today that it will close at the end of this month. The owner said that the business has not been easy in recent years, and the idea of ​​closing down, coupled with life planning and dreams to be realized, decided to close down.

Fengyuan 35 Years Sparrow House Bookstore closed at the end of April! (Central News Agency)

Located on Zhongzheng Road, Fengyuan District, the Mahjong House Bookstore opened in 1977. It is run by a husband and wife surnamed Li. It sells books, stationery, sporting goods and other related products. Because it is close to the school, it is the memory of many local students.

The business owner posted on Facebook today that he has been in business for 35 years and is about to graduate, and he is very grateful; the store also posted a special announcement for the graduation sale, and many people also went to the store to buy and leave memories after hearing the news .

又有老書店關門! 豐原35年麻雀屋書局4月底歇業!(中央社)

Fengyuan 35 Years Sparrow House Bookstore closed at the end of April! After the news was released today, many customers crowded the store, which was a bit overwhelming, so it closed early. (Central News Agency)

The reporter went to visit this afternoon and found that a notice of no entry had been posted outside the store. The wood carvings and potted works of the shopkeepers were displayed for sale at the entrance of the store, and many products in the store had been emptied.

A business owner surnamed Li told reporters that after the news was released today, many customers crowded the store, which was a bit overwhelming, so it closed early.

The owner surnamed Li said that because the couple are getting older, they have life plans and dreams to realize. On the other hand, due to changes in the public’s reading habits in recent years, it is not easy to manage books, and the idea of ​​closing the business was born. Before opening the shop, they dabbled in woodcarving and gardening. Creation. In the future, the bookstore will be changed into a creation workshop to concentrate on creation.

When mentioning the name of the Mahjong House, the owner said that because his wife’s name has the word “queen” and he wants the bookstore to be “small but complete”, the bookstore is named Mahjong House. The bookstore will operate until the end of this month. Empty, will close early.

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