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Closure, music and mirage – La Verdad

Closure of the campaign is not equal to victory at the polls, therefore, it is rather a mirage or a condition in which the candidates, from all parties, want to see each other, to convey to the voters and citizens the
connotation achieved during the time that the process devotes to political proselytism.

The last day of campaigns is just around the corner, it is Wednesday of this week at 12 p.m.
According to Article 240 of the Electoral Law of the State of Tamaulipas, which reads that it is the deadline for
distribute or post electoral propaganda, as well as, for the celebration or diffusion of meetings or public acts of campaign, propaganda or electoral proselytism.

However, campaign closures are often a challenge for parties and their candidates. They are planned almost from the start, because they have to select those who will support the great citizen meeting that will give the great photograph that will demonstrate to locals and strangers the force with which the proselytizing tasks are put to an end and of course the great capacity to announcement.

Of course, this last point is left to the judgment of the inhabitants of the municipalities and districts, because a great
Percentage of attendees come to see and listen to music from the groups that are hired for the event during which the main candidate will give a great speech and his running mates will take advantage of the template to ask the attendees for the vote, it does not make him do not listen to them, because most of those who are there go to enjoy the live music of artists that in a normal month or season they will not be able to see since, the costs are very high and also, since last year there are none because due health measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic are prohibited.

The campaigns of those who seek to be mayors or local deputies began on April 19, therefore
will be the 45 days established by the electoral legislation and that, for validity purposes, each prospect in public office has to respect the spending limits that were established by the Electoral Institute of Tamaulipas and that are reviewed by the Prerogatives Commission in accordance with expense reports that are sent on time.

Also of the closings it should be considered that the attendees do not forget the performance of the musical groups, yes, the next day they no longer remember what the sponsors of the music said, more, yes a lot, because of the colors they saw on stage they will be able to say that it was an event of this or that political party, as happened with the case this weekend, which was enlivened by Cumbia King, although later the version ran that they were not the real ones, but a copy,

In Tamaulipas, expensive musical groups or artists will not be seen on the closing days of campaigns, because there is no campaign for Governor of the state, but it will be lived within a year, because, to this date, the vote will be about to be held for the change of holder of the Executive power, a process to which the 10 political parties currently working can have access, as long as they reach three percent of the vote in that required by the Electoral Law, otherwise they will be much less.

By the way, there are things that must be taken care of with precision, for example, if the campaign stops are about to
exceeded and the cost of a musical group to close proselytism exceeds that limit, better forget about
Bring it in, because by exceeding they are exposed to the cancellation of the candidacy or the result of the ballot box being invalidated due to non-compliance with the regulations. In the event that the closing is of the candidate formula of a specific party, the percentage that they had to pay must be verified, although it may also be that those whose campaign spending limit is higher, can charge their account the cost of the closing musical event.

The others.

The amount of comments on social networks and in the media about the alleged scare they gave Mario Delgado Carrillo, leader of the National Regeneration Movement Party, PMRN, and his companions while driving on the road from Matamoros to Reynosa , It is like for collection, because they have told him everything, especially, because it is not demonstrable the fact that those who insulted them were armed, according to the official version of the public security authorities that monitor that street.

This happened to the manager of the Federal Government party, on his visit to give a boost to the campaigns
of the candidates for mayors and councils in that region, although the candidates from almost the entire entity also attended, at least to take a photo with him and get to their places of origin to presume that they saw Delgado Carrillo and therefore will win voting.

On the other hand, regarding the organization of the electoral process, this Monday is the day on which those responsible for
The Municipal Electoral Councils, who already have the ballots and electoral material in their possession, will do so
reach the presidents of the polling stations, who will have to protect them and transfer them next Sunday to the place where the voting tables will operate.

This to comply with the provisions of Articles 262 paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Electoral Law of the State of
Tamaulipas and numeral 183 of the Election Regulations and the deadline for all documentation and
electoral materials are in the hands of the presidents of polling boards, it is Friday the fourth of

The president of the IETAM, Juan José Ramos Charre and his team of counselors, Nohemí Argüello Sosa,
María de los Ángeles Quintero Renteria, Deborah González Díaz, Italia García López, Oscar Becerra Trejo and
Jerónimo Rivera García, will be vigilant that nothing fails for the day of the election, that is why each of them
has well-defined assignments and of course in due course all and all must report on the fulfillment of their activities

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