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Closing Bank Branches: Cremona Faces Desertification Challenges

Italy’s banks closed 508‌ branches in 2024, taking the total ‍number below the 20,000 mark, according ​to⁣ data from⁤ the Fiba Foundation reported by the First Cisl trade union on Friday. The ​report said that almost‌ half of Italy’s municipalities were now without a bank branch.

The recent trend for Italian ⁢banks to shut down branches ⁢continued‍ in 2024, when 508 closed, taking the‍ total number below the 20,000 ⁢mark, according to data from the Fiba​ Foundation reported by the First Cisl trade union⁤ on Friday. The report said that almost half of ⁢Italy’s municipalities were now without‌ a bank branch.

For 4 million​ Italians, the branch⁢ is a mirage.​ The secretary⁤ of the CISL banks, Colombani: “Problem for social cohesion, follow the‍ example of Poste”

The risk, underlines the Observatory, is to increase the‍ social exclusion of the ⁢population bands and the most fragile territories: a “bank ‌desertification” ⁤which derives both from the growth of digital payments (albeit ⁤under ⁣the ⁣European average) and from the economic decline, demographic and social of some⁢ areas ​of our territory.

But it is not only people who suffer the consequences of the abandonment‍ of the territories by banks. “Also for many small businesses” -⁤ reads the Observatory report – “The closing of the branches represents a⁣ significant problem. A problem that‌ is summarized with two words: Less⁢ credit.the purpose of the Observatory is ⁣therefore to‌ raise public ⁣awareness ⁢and political class on​ the consequences that bank​ desertification involves for the development of⁤ the country and the holding of its social fabric.”

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