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Closed numbers: for Medicine, Dentistry and Healthcare Professions tests at Fairs

The admission tests for the courses in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics and for the courses of the Health Professions of the University of Parma will be held at the Parma Fairs, all with national limited numbers. Large spaces, identified by the University in compliance with the anti-COVID-19 measures: suitable for carrying out the tests in complete safety and with the necessary distance, given the high numbers of admissions.

In fact, a total of 646 applications submitted to the University of Parma for the tests of Medicine and Surgery (for 260 places, of which 20 reserved for non-EU citizens) and Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (30 places, of which 2 reserved for non-EU citizens and 2 to Chinese students participating in the “Marco Polo” project): a figure that refers exclusively to future students residing in the provinces of Parma and Piacenza, since this year, according to the ministerial provisions relating to the health emergency, those enrolled in national tests they are obliged to take the test at the location closest to their residence (future “off-site” freshmen will take the test at the university closest to them, even if they have indicated the University of Parma as their first choice).

The data of those admitted to the test for the courses of the Health Professions are not yet known, because registration is still open (until 12 noon on 19 August).

The admission test for Medicine and Surgery and Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, the only national one for both degree courses, will be held on Thursday 3 September in Pavilion 2 of the Parma Fairs (viale delle Esposizioni 393 / A). Candidates must present themselves in front of the entrance to Hall 2, for recognition, starting at 9, and the test will start at 12.

The candidates’ provisions will be communicated on the website of the Department of Medicine and Surgery https://mc.unipr.it/it/didattica/ammissioni/ammissioni2020medodo

The single admission test for access to the degree courses of the Health Professions of the University of Parma (Physiotherapy, Nursing, Speech therapy, Orthoptics and ophthalmological assistance, Obstetrics, Audioprosthetic techniques, Biomedical laboratory techniques, Medical radiology techniques, for images and radiotherapy, Techniques of prevention in the environment and in the workplace) will be held on Tuesday 8 September again in Pavilion 2 of the Parma Fairs. Candidates must present themselves in front of the entrance to Hall 2, for recognition, starting at 9, and the test will start at 12.

The candidates’ instructions will be communicated on the website of the Department of Medicine and Surgery https://mc.unipr.it/it/didattica/ammissioni/ammissioni2020profsan

On both days a TEP shuttle service will be available to candidates and their families, every 15 minutes, in the following ways:

· From the Parma railway station to the exhibition center, from 7.30 to 10.30

Return from the exhibition center to the Parma railway station, from 2.30pm to 5pm.

On the other hand, the admission test to the degree course in Veterinary Medicine will be held on Tuesday 1 September at the Science and Technology Campus (Engineering teaching complex), also with a national limited number. Candidates (167 for 60 places, 3 of which reserved for non-EU citizens, 1 of which for Chinese students participating in the “Marco Polo” project) must present themselves at the entrance of the complex, for recognition, starting at 8.30, and the test will have start at 12.

The candidates’ instructions will be communicated on the website of the Department of Veterinary Medicine https://smv.unipr.it/it/node/3254

For all the tests indicated, candidates must bring with them the identity card or an equivalent identification document, the receipt of payment (within the established terms) of the admission fee and a copy of the registration form.

Candidates must wear a mask (surgical or community), which must be worn for the entire duration of the test.

They will also have to fill in a self-certification (to be delivered at the time of the test) certifying the state of health and not having had contact with patients affected by COVID-19 (or suspected such) in the previous two weeks.


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