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Closed discos, Salvini: “Madness picking on the boys”

The government decided to close discos throughout Italy, to avoid an increase in Coronavirus infections, after the confrontation in videoconference, which lasted over two hours, between the ministers Francesco Boccia, Roberto Speranza e Stefano Patuanelli ed i presidents of the regions. And economic support will be recognized for activities forced to stop. The news was not taken in a positive way by Matteo Salvini who said: «Today alone more than 200 illegal immigrants have landed and that the problem is the Italians, the bartenders, the restaurateurs, the boys, the workers is surreal. This government is incapable of defending the borders, the health and savings of Italians and takes it out on the kids who go out and want to have fun. It is madness”. These are the words of the leader of the League interviewed at a meeting at the Caffè della Versiliana in Pietrasanta (Lucca) with the candidate for governor of Tuscany for the center-right Susanna Ceccardi.

The infections and the mask

And he added

: «They close clubs and shops, terrorize and fine Italians, put thousands of companies and hundreds of thousands of jobs at risk. Meanwhile, even today more than 100 illegal immigrants have landed in Sicily (almost 10,000 between July and August) and infections are increasing largely due to those arriving from abroad. Hard with the Italians, weak with illegal immigrants: government of incapable ones ». To those who pointed out that the infections are growing, Salvini replied: “Contagions are not diseases, you should know it” journalists. While his comment at controversy on the web for a visit with the mask down yet Pisano dairy it leaves no room for interpretation: “I always wear the mask where it is obligatory, except when I take a bath”.

Mariastella Gelmini

He is in favor of stopping the discos Mariastella Gelmini, leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber of Deputies, who stated in a note: «The government’s decision to close the discos is understandable: infections are increasing, the virus must be kept under control, we cannot take further risks. But the aid for the managers, this time, will have to be concrete and immediate. Once again, entrepreneurs cannot lose out ».

Licia Ronzulli

“Right after the lockdown I denounced the gravity and irresponsibility of gatherings, both in public places and in clubs, which did not take into account the current health situation – he says Licia Ronzulli, the vice president of the Forza Italia group in the Senate, in a note -. Now a new squeeze is indispensable, at least when it comes to discos, bathing beaches, nightclubs with dance halls, and other similar places such as those where parties and ceremonies are celebrated. A severity that I would define as “deferred” since these activities now risk a second lockdown after nothing has been done for months to counteract not only dangerous but also prohibited behaviors that have certainly contributed to the current increase in infections. Who will compensate for these activities that will be closed again for the myopia of those who have not enforced the anti-contagion protocols? Certainly the 100 million envisaged by the government as relief for lost revenues will not be enough. It also remains paradoxical that, while we think about closing certain activities again, illegal landings continue on our coasts, as if Covid existed only in Italy and pretending to ignore the percentage of migrants that is instead positive for Coronavirus “.

Stefano Bonaccini

Stefano Bonaccini

he agrees with the new government order: «The government’s proposal is right. Emilia Romagna was very rigorous but the point is not only the infected in the disco, but the tracking that involves a presumed infected and on the rise of the infections it is necessary to track those returning from abroad. Seeing kids abroad who say “the covid is not there” requires our further commitment because there is a serious underestimation. Ok to the national measure and refreshments must be guaranteed because the sector needs aid ».

Ignazio La Russa

Like Salvini too Ignazio La Russa, vice president of the Senate and senator of the Brothers of Italy, thinks that the closure of discos is a sort of “fury” against young people who want to be together. «Instead of making operational measures of distancing currently non-existent in many situations (from airplanes to free beaches just to give two examples), we are relentless with outdoor meeting places for young people without there being a certified clinical need. Given that contagion without symptoms is almost never a disease and that new serious hospitalized cases are very few and physiological, it was possible to tighten up, as a precaution, the methods of entry and stay in strictly outdoor discos without closing them, moreover at the the day after the day of maximum turnout. The government’s attempt to keep the Italians in awe and fear is evident ».

Dario Nardella

«The Government has decided: closure of all discos and obligation to wear a mask (from 6 to 6) in public places and squares where gatherings can occur. I trust in your common sense, let’s not defeat all the efforts made so far “, wrote the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella on Facebook.

Michele Emiliano

Michele Emiliano

, president of Puglia, hopes that the government will immediately help companies in the sector, as he writes on Facebook. “The Puglia Region has requested today that the new lockdown measure” of the discotheques “be immediately followed by a measure in support of companies, workers and artists in the sector” because “it is good that you know it will cause very significant economic damage” .

16 August 2020 (change August 16, 2020 | 21:19)


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