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close to Easter. The roadblock plan

ROME The trip out of town, the mirage of Easter Monday by the sea: how will Italians’ habits be curbed? The Interior Ministry fears the good weather and prepares for tighter controls. The circular of will be issued in the next few days Easter, the one that is done every year to regulate controls, but this time it will all be calibrated on the coronavirus and on how to limit citizens’ leaks.

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There are two main concerns for law enforcement: that which concerns workers who live in the North but have southern origins, and that about who owns a second home in a holiday resort. The fear is that the thousands of people who live in Lombardy, Piedmont and other industrial regions, are thinking in these hours, the easiest way to reach relatives in the South. The numbers we are talking about are high, for this reason targeted checks by the railway and traffic police are being prepared. In fact, trains or cars are the most used means of trying to leave. And no exceptions of any kind will be allowed, unless they are people who have health issues or other emergencies.

The Interior Ministry continues to think that Italians will show a sense of responsibility. But in these hours the images that arrive from various parts of Italy do not comfort those who, every day, stand on the street to monitor the disobedient. Many sanctions have been issued in the last few days, and this could derive from the fact that the curve of the contagion in slight descent, could have generated a greater sense of tranquility in people, thus making them exit more easily from home. and the desire to reunite with the family seems to have also involved hundreds of police and policemen. For more than a month they have been away from home for work reasons and live in the barracks. They asked to be able to return to the family for the holidays, but of course the response was negative.

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In the meantime, mayors and prefects are moving to contain the craving for holidays. And in fact in Belluno, in Liguria and in Piedmont, orders have already been issued with which much stricter controls are arranged precisely for Easter days. Starting from the consular roads, where there are additional checkpoints compared to those already implemented on motorways.
The escape to the second homes had already taken place in early March, when schools were closed and several offices moved jobs to homes. Then, however, the worry of getting sick outside your region or in small towns, created a return flow to the cities. But bad habits do not seem to have been lost and, therefore, the Interior Ministry has decided to set up more rigorous patrols and checkpoints also in sea and mountain areas.

It will not be different for those who stay in the city. Checks will be intensified on beaches and in green areas not fenced. “The localities of the South worry – admits an expert – We continue to see images of people walking on the street, crowding in the markets. The lesser spread of the contagion in some areas of the south and in various tourist locations makes the perception of what is happening in the rest of Italy much less concrete. In the North they see military vehicles carrying coffins and count a huge number of victims every day. In such a situation, nobody wants to go out. Because it is clearer about the risks involved. Elsewhere this feeling is perceived less ».
However, the ministry does not intend to give the feeling that the country is militarized. The watchword is rigor but with the right balance, so as not to run the risk of scaring people.

Last updated: 01:03


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