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close all schools. Seniors at home, no handshakes

No hugs, no handshakes, gossip should be done over a meter away. And then the crowded places must be avoided, and it has been hypothesized to cancel sporting events for at least 30 days, including football. But above all, it is evaluating whether to close the schools on the whole national territory. The scientific committee appointed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte reads the latest data on the diffusion of the coronavirus and dictated the recommendations to be made to try to contain an epidemic, which they are now very concerned about. The experts urge a further tightening, given the non-linear trend of the virus, and ask the Italians for the utmost rigor and attention, suggesting to change, in fact, what are the habits of our country.

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Coronavirus, tampons: Rome wants to change, tests also outside Spallanzani

Coronavirus, new rules: 2 meters distance, no handshakes and kisses. Sports hypothesis behind closed doors. «Committee very worried»

The diktat prepared by the scientists has been sent to the Ministry of Health: it must have the go-ahead from the enlarged executive committee and Palazzo Chigi will then determine what the final restrictions will be. Expert recommendations are unlikely to be changed. They will therefore be contained in a new Dpcm, which will replace the one adopted on March 1 and expiring next Sunday. The new decree could be adopted before March 8, or in the next 24-48 hours, and will apply to the entire national territory. “The important point – explains the president of the Higher Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro – is the behavior and awareness of each. We must not give false assurances, but tell everyone to be careful to adopt the recommendations indicated. We must work for the country by moving within the rules and attentive lifestyles that interrupt what are the classic transmission routes ». “And we will decide whether to go towards greater or lesser severity, depending on the evolution of the data,” added the extraordinary commissioner Angelo Borrelli.
The crackdown establishes a stop at conferences, congresses, but also at events, starting with sports events that involve crowding people bypassing the safety distance of one meter. At the moment the postponement Juventus-Milan has already been ordered, the semi-final of the return of the Italian Cup, scheduled for tonight in Turin. And we are considering in these hours whether to continue the championship with the games behind closed doors.
Among the recommendations there is also that of avoiding hugs and handshakes, while those over 75 and people over 65 with pathologies (and living in Lombardy) are recommended to avoid crowded places. To the elderly, in particular, also to leave the house. «Avoid exchanges of bottles, glasses especially during sports activities», are still the indications of the text. And then “Municipalities, local authorities, cultural associations, sports associations and the world of communication are asked to offer alternative individual recreational activities that promote and encourage outdoor activities (without gatherings) or at home”.

The scientific committee proposed to limit the stay of the relatives of the sick in the waiting rooms of the emergency rooms and the visits of the family members of the elderly guests to the rest homes. Which, in part, already happens in the red areas.
The dpcm should be ready today and Palazzo Chigi is expected to confirm the recommendations suggested by the team of experts. Contagion must be stopped and also in a hurry to prevent the health system from collapsing. The measures, however, will be valid for 30 days, across the country, and will be evaluated every two weeks on the basis of the trend of the epidemic. In the meantime, the Civil Protection has ordered another 500 thousand masks (but “millions” are needed, Borrelli specified), and 6,600 beds are ready in 2,200 rooms made available by the Defense, while on the territory there are over a thousand volunteers who can double if the situation requires it.

Last updated: 06:59


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