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Cloetta stopped 850 tons of chocolate – “we are prepared to take the consequences”

The chocolate manufacturer Cloetta is stopping the sale of hundreds of tons of chocolate products, the news agency Siren reports, after it was discovered that palm oil could be dangerous to health.

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Among others, Kexchoklad, Sportlunch and Polly are stopped for sale, as the palm oil from Malaysia found in the products is said to have been contaminated by substances hazardous to health.

– With the help of the Swedish Food Agency’s risk assessor, we have assessed that a health risk cannot be ruled out for either children or adults. About 850 tonnes are tracked by Cloetta and there are different products and batches that are affected, says William Osmani, food inspector in Malmö, to Siren.

The discovery was made in Denmark. The matter is being investigated by the Environmental Administration in Malmö together with the Swedish Food Agency. Tonnes of ready-made chocolate candy in the warehouse have been stopped from resale pending the results.

“We took immediate precautions and put finished products in our warehouse as soon as we received information about this. It is unusual for such large volumes to be stopped, but we want to be extra careful while waiting for the final test results,” says Laura Lindholm, communications and IR director at Cloetta, to the news agency Siren.

Cloetta currently does not want to say anything about the financial impact the stop may have.

“Not being able to deliver products to the customer obviously has commercial consequences, but we are prepared to accept that type of consequence. Right now we don’t know what the final results are and it is unnecessary to speculate before we know more,” she says.

Cloetta fell heavily on the stock market, down 5.6 percent at 2 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. But recovered slightly before closing.

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