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Clips! The son of “Min Aung Hlaing” sprinkled money to celebrate his father’s successful coup. 23 Myanmar Party supported

Friday, February 05, 2021, 3:10 p.m.

Clips! Min Aung Hlai son celebrates his father’s successful coup, revealing 23 Myanmar parties without MPs to support. While Karen soldiers, KNU, disagree as well as “King of War”

On February 4, 2021, Maung Sarani, a Burmese human rights scholar and activist, Known for its resistance to violence in Rakhine State and the Rohingya refugee crisis. A minute long video clip was posted on Twitter, “@drzarni” showing the incident at Aung Pyae Sone, the son of Senior General Min Aung Hlaing. Of the Burma Army Money is spreading out to people inside a car showroom It is expected to celebrate his father’s victory after he was able to carry out a successful coup. The behavior is currently being criticized by many netizens.

While the Karen National Union (KNU) was led by General Mutu Se Po, president of KNU. Issued a statement that KNU is concerned about the political situation in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Where the revolution took place Considered the destruction of the democratic process Call on the military government or revolutionary group Release all detained politicians. And in this situation, the Karen National Union is ready to stand by the people. Which corresponds to the opinion of Gen. Chao Yodsuek Chairman of the Shan State Salvation Council RCSS

Teacher – Student, Myanmar, Joins Three Fingers Against Coup

The AFP report on Friday 5 February said there was the first movement in Myanmar’s higher education institutions. When approximately 200 students and professors at Dagong University in Yangon gathered to protest. By raising the symbol of three fingers and singing together to revolutionize the people

“As a citizen I cannot accept the coup, ”said Win Win Mo, professor at the university. Said to AFP “We have to resist this dictatorship”

Protesters also marched around the university. With the students shouting Suu Kyi Mae Su is holding a red flag that symbolizes the National League for Democracy (NLD).

A student named Vin Situ said that we will not let our generation suffer this kind of military dictatorship.

But 23 political parties that sent members to vote for the year 2020 have issued a press release that Yes, Myanmar soldiers took power from Daw Aung San Suu Kyi due to electoral manipulation last year that led to the NLD win over the past 23 years. Single This is in line with the opinion of “Niphat Pornphengkaew”, a famous documentary writer and human rights activist, daughter of Ajarn Lom Pengkaew, a Thai language philosopher. A Facebook post provided information in the comment section of ethnic groups in Myanmar against the Aung San Suu Kyi coup. For in Myanmar I coordinated with my Burmese friends who live in Myanmar. He told the villagers’ life everything was still calm. Nothing has changed But recently had an official announcement on Burmese TV That a tribute U Min has been appointed Burma’s 1st Vice President will temporarily act as President Both declared a state of emergency in the country 1 year before the new election To be more transparent

And this is the information I gathered from my fellow ethnic groups. And contact via online media, chat with friends in Myanmar Which has been known for many years And a collection of the coup events today are as follows

1. This coup Both Burmese people and many ethnic groups Most likely Agree with the soldiers People disagree with Suu Kyi and NLD politicians.

2. For ethnic groups and then Even after all these years During the Suu Kyi government Suu Kyi will help many minorities. But also trampled on the minority Forcing leaders of all ethnic groups to speak Burmese in parliament, even NLD politicians. What ideas will be proposed in the council? Must present issues that will be discussed in parliament with Suu Kyi first Therefore will be given the opportunity to present opinions in the council

3. Many Myanmar politicians And every ethnic group has encountered the most stinging stories from Suu Kyi for the past five years, until the drool Until a new generation of Myanmar politicians and minorities rejected the NLD and reunited with the new military. Entered the polling field during the elections at the end of last year

4. This morning, a friend of ethnic groups said they were checking. Is it a long coup or just a short-term control? Because now it is a new election period The remaining time to open the Parliament within 10 days if the parliament cannot open. Election results will be void. The military wanted the election results to be null and void, and Suu Kyi would have to change his current constitution. Since the constitution is very conducive to the exercise of military power So the soldiers had to seize power. Here, the ethnic group is most in need of fixing the constitution, but over the past five years, it has also been subjected to the utmost oppression from Suu Kyi. And many ethnic groups have already ignored the Suu Kyi government too much.

5. I had an online interview with my Myanmar national at noon today. He is in the middle of a major city in Myanmar. He details that At the moment, the whole country has no phone signal, but WIFI, and banks are paused.Earlier this morning, 31 politicians were detained at Naypyidaw, all of Suu Kyi’s NLD and other parties. Politicians gathered in Naypyidaw this morning because today was the day of the House of Representatives meeting. Right now there is no announcement in Myanmar. The TV channels in Myanmar do not turn on. Only one military channel TV Which is broadcast to the public, there is no current news No new news There was only news a few days ago.

Adults in Myanmar and adults in ethnic groups that meet each other There is an opinion that Well that there was a coup Because Suzy’s NLD Very cheating election The dead are still named to the polls. Some of them were electoral in 3-4 cities and there were elections in all cities, people without ID cards. Underage Still able to enter the election Many cities have more voting rights than the actual number of people. Past elections in Burma There is a very blatant cheating.

Even the soldiers themselves General Min Aung Hye said several times. To investigate election fraud To achieve justice before the opening of the parliament Because it is not a real democracy, unclean, incorrect Min Aung Lai has said several times Suu Kyi and the NLD did not listen to open the council for it.

Until 3-4 days ago, soldiers and NLD met at Naypyidaw. The military requested a pre-election review. For the people to see justice Cleanliness and transparency before the council opens But Suu Kyi and the NLD refused to insist on opening the parliament.

6.This coup Myanmar people and ethnic thought leaders agree. My friend who had been jailed by the Burma Army. And always fought for democracy, insisted that there was a coup He agreed to the coup. Because the soldiers did not seize power as before But the soldiers became the council’s president U Min tribute to acting president within a year there will be a new election.

That many people Many ethnic thought leaders agreed with the military seizure. Because throughout the years of Suu Kyi and the NLD government Suu Kyi has done a lot of things that the people oppose, which are very bad things. Suu Kyi, for example, took Europeans. More than 90 foreigners have come as consultants in the country, each of whom has to pay at least 2000 US dollars per month (60,000 baht), despite the fact that Myanmar is very poor. The people are very poor, have no money, but Suu Kyi has spent the entire five years of the national budget on the government. Even though Burmese people are good at There is a lot of knowledge in the city. Suu Kyi did not take it to consult. She’s sake of the West Our country of Myanmar cannot be Western-style. We are not the same There are also many minorities. Many were uneducated throughout the five years of Suu Kyi’s reign. The country has not prospered at all. The budget Suu Kyi took to a foreign consultant Better to help study. But Suu Kyi and the NLD don’t.

More importantly, Suu Kyi does not see ethnic heads. Do not want to cooperate with ethnic groups I do not want people of ethnic groups to work in politics in the council. Suu Kyi didn’t take it very clearly. So this coup should be good for our country. Rather than letting Suu Kyi open a parliament and set up a government to rule the country

All of this I gathered from interviews with friends of Burmese nationality. And people of the ethnic group in the past half day

Niphatporn Phengkaew also posted in comments that I do not support the seizure of power. But has served in the media Collect information from various aspects From people of ethnic groups and people in Burma what they think And has an opinion on what Suzy and the NLD How to treat people of ethnic groups For Tai Yai people, they always say Burma is Burma. There is only one. Deceit the big Tai all along. No matter who they are, there are two types of Burmese, only male and female.

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