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Climbing wall on company facade | Nachrichten.at

The company Ginzinger electronic systems in Weng has built a “highlight” in the truest sense of the word: a climbing wall, and not just for employees.

A 15-meter-high climbing wall was installed on the outer facade of the company building and is available to employees free of charge. The idea for the climbing wall came about around a year ago when an additional production hall was built, which was equipped with storage lifts for storing materials. This investment gave the eastern side of the building an additional height of around 15 meters; it should not be left unused. “Our employees now have the opportunity to spend their free time actively and improve their fitness at the same time. The climbing wall will certainly be a welcome change in their everyday work life,” says Tanja Ginzinger.

So that not only experienced climbers can enjoy the new sports facility, trial climbing courses are offered in cooperation with the Braunau Alpine Club, the first of which took place recently. The program included knot theory, equipment checks and the first time climbing on the wall. In return, the Braunau Alpine Club can use the outdoor facility free of charge. “The wall is very professionally built and designed, the routes are diverse and varied. Thanks to the installed lighting, use is theoretically possible around the clock,” says Thomas Wanka from the Alpine Club, Braunau section.

The new climbing wall can also be used by other clubs upon request. Interested people and organizations can contact the Braunau Alpine Club directly by email:

[email protected]


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