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Climate Summit 2021: Ongoing Debates, Optimism, and Challenges

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DUBAI (E24/VG): The climate summit started with cheers. A long-awaited loss and damage fund came into place on the first day.

It has created a lot of optimism among the many thousands of participants, but not everything is rosy.

This year, an important choice will be made concretely in the final agreement – what will the world do with the oil?

This is proving to be an issue that is impossible to escape if the world is to cope with its emissions, according to climate scientist Glen Peters in Cicero.

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This will be discussed at this year’s climate summit

A recent report from Global Carbon Budget shows that solar power and wind power are being developed faster than expected. Nevertheless, the world’s emissions of greenhouse gases continue to increase this year as well.

– Now we need emissions to fall even faster than we thought, because we have not done enough. If we had taken action 30 years ago, it would have been easy to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees, but because we are starting at zero today, it will be an enormous challenge, says Peters.

He is one of several Norwegian researchers who have contributed to the international collaboration, which updates its status every year.

– The world has postponed action for another year?

– Yes, now it’s all about how quickly we get to net zero emissions.

Want climate justice

Renewable electricity has increased dramatically in countries such as China and India, but so has coal, oil and gas. Emissions have increased by 1 per cent this year.

– We have to balance the scales, say Rosanne Zandisile Howe and Mpona Mohapi.

Photo: Gisle Oddstad / VG

They come from small African countries, Eswatini and Lesotho, and fight for climate justice at this year’s climate summit.

Africa hardly contributes to climate change, but this goes beyond us. We need action, and funding to adapt to the changes that are coming.

Reginald Harry Grant from Ghana is working to get African countries exactly this: Investments in green solutions.

Africa is the region that can change the world for the better, he says.

Photo: Gisle Oddstad / VG

– We have minerals for the transition, a young population and untouched land that can be used for solar power and agriculture, Grant continues.

Lithuanian-born Ana Nacvalovaite attends to share research findings. She works at Oxford University in England and advises on how national banks can invest better.

She has noticed one thing in particular this year:

– There is much more private business here this year. It’s good, but at the same time it creates a lot of noise, she says.

Photo: Gisle Oddstad / VG

Oil high on the agenda

This could be a fateful year for several reasons. This year, all countries must report what they have managed so far.

All the countries must sign an agreement in the end, and this year the agreement will make it more concrete:

How will the world phase out the biggest emission source of them all – oil, coal and gas?

Accusations that the negotiations are biased have been harsh in the run-up to this year’s climate summit. The meeting is chaired by the emirate’s Minister of Industry, Sultan Al Jaber, who is the day-to-day head of one of the world’s largest oil companies. According to leaks to the BBC, the country had plans to use the climate summit to land oil deals.

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Responding to oil entry at the climate summit

In addition, the actual negotiations on the phasing out of oil are to be led by a foreign minister from a country that wants new oil and gas discoveries:


Together with Singapore’s delegation, Espen Barth Eide (Ap) will work to get the countries to agree on what should be in the final agreement. Norway wants the agreement to only mean the phasing out of “unclean” oil and gas, and to keep the door open to fossil energy where the harmful greenhouse gases are separated and stored.

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Eide will lead emission work towards the climate summit

Glen Peters of the Global Carbon Project warns against thinking that giving the world more renewable energy will reduce emissions.

– There is no connection that says fossil energy will disappear if we get more renewable energy. That is not what is happening. The consumption of fossil energy does not decrease without policies that limit it.

Protection of forests among the fighting issues

In Dubai, several hundred employees from the oil and gas industry are present. Their participation provokes activists, who hold demonstrations against what they call the “oil lobby”.

While a showdown is brewing inside and outside the meeting rooms, others choose to keep their eyes on their fields.

As coral scientist Dr. Shaker AlHezeem from Kuwait.

– I come here to share solutions.

When asked what AlHezeem thinks about the oil debate at the climate summit, he replies that he “concentrates on his area”.

Photo: Gisle Oddstad / VG

There are many other pieces of the puzzle that need to be put in place if emissions are to decrease quickly enough.

Tashka and Laura Soriano De Yawanawa are fighting a battle to preserve their part of the rainforest in northern Brazil. Their community protects over 200,000 hectares of forest.

– We want companies to work directly with us. The billions that the authorities talk about do not reach us, says Laura.

They are at the summit to get more people to care about their forests – which in turn contributes to stable weather and keeps greenhouse gas emissions in the ground.

Photo: Gisle Oddstad / VG

Pei Chi Wong from Singapore supports their cause. She works to monitor companies and their ties to deforestation. She sees that several countries are now interested in this.

– Financial institutions want to know if their companies are involved in trading or producing goods that contribute to deforestation. There is no livable planet without forests, she says.

Photo: Gisle Oddstad / VG

Human rights activist Allyne Andrade e Silva from the south of Brazil fights for equality and climate justice. She believes her two struggles go hand in hand.

– You cannot build the future without equality. It is important to listen to the grassroots and women in this important fight for the future.

Photo: Gisle Oddstad / VG
2023-12-05 20:12:25

#started #crash #Dubai

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