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Climate protests – – Hollow in the head

– This is a mob trip that I think must be cracked down on, says FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug.

For the third day in a row, activists are taking action on the roads around Trondheim. Climate activists have blocked key roads such as Elgsæter bridge and the E6 at Nardo. They belong to the group “Stop oil exploration”, which wants a halt in all exploration for oil and gas.

– Dangerous

Several of the activists are foreigners, reports NRK. FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug therefore demands that activists must be expelled from Norway, and has asked the Minister of Justice and Emergency Management Emilie Enger Mehl to intervene.

– I hope action is now taken. I mean now you have to use the tools you have in the toolbox. I expect that the opportunity will be used to expel these activists and, of course, to ban entry. Then they get to do mobs in other countries than in Norway, says Listhaug.

The international action group has had several different actions in Norway before. Among other things, they have blocked the oil terminal on Sjursøya in Oslo.

Sylvi Listhaug believes that the way the activists block very busy roads is dangerous in traffic.

– The police say outright that this is dangerous, because it is a very busy road. This can lead to dangerous situations for completely innocent people who are on their way to work sitting in the car. Then you have to put an end to it. It is clear that the instruments are not powerful enough if they just continue.

– Stubborn and racist

Ronja Therese Mylius, spokesperson for the “Stop the oil exploration campaign”, tells Dagbladet that she thinks it is strange that Sylvi Listhaug focuses on the fact that there are activists of foreign origin.

– These are not people who have traveled to Norway to take action. These are people who live, work and study in Trondheim. Using the immigration card is just awkward and racist, she says and adds:

– This is not a national problem, it is a problem that affects the whole world. The climate crisis is something that will have consequences for everyone, no matter where you are.

Mylius acknowledges that the activists create problems for traffic in Trondheim, but she believes that they are fighting for a bigger cause.

– Of course, we do not want this to affect private individuals, but we want to prevent the collapse of society. We feel that we have tried everything else, but the government will not listen to us or to the UN. Sylvi Listhaug has also been in government and had the opportunity to take climate action before, so we had not had such a short time to act now.

To maintain the safety of the activists, Mylius says that they have trained in various situations.

– There are trained activists, and we have had training with former AMK employees. We have good routines for how to handle different situations and how we can maintain our safety and that of others, says Mylius.

KJIPT: Ronja Therese Mylius tells Dagbladet that she thinks it is stubborn and racist that Sylvi Listhaug focuses on the fact that some of the activists are foreigners.  Photo: Private

KJIPT: Ronja Therese Mylius tells Dagbladet that she thinks it is stubborn and racist that Sylvi Listhaug focuses on the fact that some of the activists are foreigners. Photo: Private
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– Ridiculous

The FRP leader thinks it is ridiculous that Mylius calls it racist.

– Everyone who is a foreign citizen in Norway must follow our laws. If they fail to follow them, it is the job of the police to deport them. FrP does not accept that foreign nationals commit illegal acts while in Norway. It is ridiculous to call it racist when those who have been arrested for illegal actions are EU citizens, says Listhaug.

In addition, Listhaug believes that she has done what she could to reduce climate emissions when she and the FRP were in government.

– These demonstrators have an unrealistic and naive view of the world. The world will need oil and gas for a long time to come. When the Progress Party was in government, emissions went down, she says and adds:

– Due to Norwegian gas, Europe has cut its emissions year after year, and this has helped to reduce the use of coal. As long as the world needs oil and gas, it is better for Norway and other democracies to produce it, than for authoritarian regimes such as Russia.

CANCELED: A climate demonstration interrupted the Storting’s question time on Wednesday 18 May
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Full support from MDG

The climate activists receive full support from MDG’s parliamentary representative Rasmus Hansson. He believes there is nothing to say about the actions.

– They’re fine. Civil disobedience is a tool in the democratic coffers that we can use provided we follow the book, are non-violent and take responsibility ourselves.

– Listhaug should think twice at least before she calls traffic actions mobs. FRP has been involved in slow-motion actions and other things that have irritated the shirt of motorists, the MDG nestor continues.

Hansson, for his part, has a challenge to Listhaug about the activists who come to Norway to take action.

– She must think about why foreigners act in Norway in particular. It may have something to do with the fact that they understand the connection between Norway’s oil production and oil wealth and the consequences that many more than Norwegians experience. We get the advantages and maybe the disadvantages, other people only get the disadvantages, says Hansson.

– Completely hollow in the head

ANNOYED: MDG nestor Rasmus Hansson thinks Sylvi Listhaug must think twice before she criticizes traffic actions.  Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB

ANNOYED: MDG nestor Rasmus Hansson thinks Sylvi Listhaug must think twice before she criticizes traffic actions. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB
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The answer from the FRP leader comes quickly.

– It is probably because they do not dare to act in Saudi Arabia or Russia or other countries that produce oil and gas and do not respect human rights, says Listhaug and continues:

– What is completely hollow in their heads is that they go after Norway, which is a western country with a democratic system of government. The only result of what they want, for us to shut down the oil and gas industry, would be for Russia and Saudi Arabia, which are neither concerned with human rights nor environmental concerns, to take over production, jobs and large revenues.

– Acts in solidarity

On Listhaug’s statement that they do not dare to act in Saudi Arabia or Russia, Mylius answers that it is precisely for this reason that it is important to act in Norway.

– We also often act in solidarity with those who can not act themselves, due to their safety. It is therefore even more important that we stand up for those who can not themselves, she says.

Mylius also believes that it is hypocritical that Listhaug does not recognize this action.

CLIMATE DEMONSTRATION: The 81-year-old actress legend Jane Fonda was arrested in Washington DC, after an illegal climate demonstration.
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– For someone who says that she is concerned about democracy, it is strange that she can not recognize our action. When it comes to SIAN demonstrations, she has repeatedly stated that it is their right to demonstrate, she says.

The FRP leader, for her part, says that she recognizes all legal demonstrations, but not illegal ones.

– If the activists do not understand the difference, then I am seriously concerned about their insight into how Norwegian society works. Of course, I have no problem with climate activists who use legal and democratic means, but the problem is that too many of them try with extreme means to make life miserable for most people, says Listhaug.

On Monday, Sylvi Listhaug sent a written question to the Minister of Justice and Emergency Management Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) whether she will take action to expel the activists.

The Ministry of Justice states that Mehl we answer the question within the deadline of six days. They refer to the UDI regarding the possible deportation of foreign offenders.

The UDI did not respond to Dagbladet’s inquiries on Wednesday.

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