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Climate – Berlin – Climate Council recommends: fewer cars and solar duty – knowledge

Berlin (dpa / bb) – After around eight weeks of intensive consultations, Berlin’s first climate citizens’ council has submitted almost 50 recommendations to politicians. The wishes, which the committee consisting of 100 citizens decided with a majority, include more attractive local public transport, a reduction in car traffic and the preservation of existing green spaces.

In addition, the participants want, among other things, to speed up the energy renovation of buildings, cushion the costs socially and not just pass them on to tenants. They are also calling for a faster expansion of renewable energies, for example with the help of a “solar and green roof obligation”. Almost two-thirds of the council members, and thus slightly fewer than on many other points, consider the examination of a congestion charge necessary and recommend an emission-free inner city without combustion cars from 2030.

The recommendations presented on Thursday relate primarily to the areas of mobility, buildings and energy. In addition, those involved took a look at the areas of consumption and green spaces. They advocate stronger action against food waste and better protection of the tree population.

The Council has presented clear and precise recommendations that politicians will now deal with thoroughly – both the Senate and the House of Representatives, said Environment and Transport Senator Bettina Jarasch (Greens). “Citizens obviously want even more effective measures to reduce car traffic: we’ll have to talk about that.”

The idea for the “Climate Citizens’ Council” goes back to the “Climate Restart” initiative. First, 2,800 randomly selected Berliners were written to and invited to work. 100 people were selected from among those interested. Criteria such as age, gender, educational qualifications and residential district were included in order to get as balanced an opinion as possible. The project is scientifically supported. In the previous year, a citizens’ council also worked on climate recommendations for politicians at federal level.

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