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Climate, agreement between the US and China: “Let’s cooperate”

The United States and China have signed a joint declaration to strengthen climate actionBeijing spokesman for Cop26, Xie Zhenhua, announced in Glasgow that the two countries need “to think big and be responsible”, as well as “actively tackle climate change and through cooperation”, bring enormous benefits to the peoples of the world.

The two countries reaffirmed the commitments made in Paris and pledged to adapt to a “reinforced climate action” in recent years. Since January, the delegations of the two countries have worked together on the agreement, with 30 virtual meetings. “China and the United States, alarmed by research, further recognize the gravity and urgency of the climate crisis,” reads the Declaration.

The two sides therefore intend to cooperate on a regulatory framework on environmental standards related to the reduction of greenhouse emissions in the 1920s, to maximize the benefits for society of the transition to green energy, policies to encourage decarbonisation and electrification of end-use sectors, in key sectors related to the circular economy, such as green design, to the recognition of the significant role of methane emissions in increasing temperatures.

“Both countries consider increased action to control and reduce these emissions as needed in the coming years“. Before COP27, the two sides undertake to develop further measures to strengthen the control of methane emissions, it is further specified. China is committed to developing a comprehensive national action plan on methane to achieve a” significant effect on the control and reducing emissions “in the 1920s. China is committed to” gradually reducing “coal consumption in its 15-year plan and making the greatest efforts to accelerate this work.

I welcome today’s agreement between the United States and China to work together for more ambitious climate action in this decade “tweets the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres.” Tackling the climate crisis requires international collaboration and solidarity and this is an important step in the right direction. “

Between the United States and China “it is imperative to cooperate” on the climate. This was underlined by the American special envoy John Kerry, according to which with the joint declaration announced as a surprise in Glasgow “we have reached a new point” and the agreement represents “a roadmap” for the future. According to Kerry, the United States and China have agreed to “work together to limit methane emissions” and Beijing’s commitment to develop “a comprehensive and ambitious national action plan on methane will have a significant effect” on the climate crisis. . “There is no lack of differences between the United States and China – said the envoy of the Biden administration – but on the climate, cooperation is the only way to get the job done”. At COP26, China and the United States “made the choice to work together” underlined Kerry, after saying he was “satisfied” with the agreement reached in Glasgow between the two countries to strengthen climate action over the next decade. “The steps we have taken, I believe, can answer questions about China’s path,” he said, “and help China and the United States and others to be able to accelerate their efforts.”

According to President Joe Biden’s envoy, Beijing and Washington had two choices ahead: they could leave COP26 without having worked together, leaving “the world wondering about the future”, or “stay here and work together to increase ambitions and start taking a better path: this is the choice “.

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