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Climate – adjectives

In this unit, students will learn to describe the current weather in their area using specific adjectives. Through hands-on, hands-on activities, students will become familiar with different adjectives used to describe the weather and apply their knowledge in real-life contexts.

Describe the current climate in your area using specific adjectives.

The assessment will be based on students’ ability to: identify descriptive adjectives, complete their climate journal, and the clarity and creativity of their comparative presentation on climates. A rubric will be used to assess each of these aspects.

4 weeks.

UNIT 3: Creating Complex Sentences with Weather Adjectives

In this unit, students will learn to create complete sentences using descriptive adjectives to describe various types of weather. Through interactive activities, students will develop their creativity and imagination, while becoming familiar with the proper use of adjectives in different weather contexts.

General objective

Create complete sentences that use adjectives to describe different climates.

Specific objectives

  1. Identify and list adjectives related to different types of climate.
  2. Construct sentences that describe weather situations using appropriate adjectives.
  3. Encourage creativity by describing an imaginary climate using complete sentences.


  1. Types of weather: The various types of climate are identified and described, including temperatures, humidity, and atmospheric conditions.
  2. Descriptive adjectives: Adjectives are taught that help enrich the description of the weather, such as “sunny”, “cloudy”, “cold” and “humid”.
  3. Construction of sentences: Students are instructed on how to form complete sentences using subjects and predicates, integrating descriptive adjectives.


  1. Brainstorming Activity: In this activity, students will work in groups to list adjectives related to the weather. The importance and use of these adjectives in descriptions will be highlighted. Key Learning: Students will develop an extensive vocabulary about the weather.
  2. Building Sentences: Each student will choose a specific climate and create complete sentences describing that climate using at least three adjectives. At the end, they will share their sentences with the class. Key Learning: Students will learn how to structure coherent, descriptive sentences.
  3. Description of an Imaginary Climate: Students will invent a new climate and describe its characteristics in a paragraph. They will use a variety of adjectives in their descriptions. Key learning: stimulate creativity and the ability to write imaginative descriptions.


The evaluation will be carried out through the review of the sentences created by the students, as well as their participation in the activities. Correctness in the use of adjectives, cohesion of the sentences and creativity in the description of the imaginary climate will be assessed.


3 weeks.

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Unit 4: Country-Specific Climate Report

In this unit, students will learn to research and present a brief report on the climate of a specific country, using descriptive adjectives to enrich their descriptions. Students will be encouraged to explore different climate features and use the vocabulary they have learned to express their ideas clearly and coherently.

General objective

Create a short report on the climate of a specific country using descriptive adjectives.

Specific objectives

  1. Research the climate of a specific country using various sources of information.
  2. Use specific descriptive adjectives to describe a country’s climate and seasons.
  3. Present the report clearly and organize your ideas in written format.


  1. Research on Climates by Country: Students will be introduced to research on climates in different countries, identifying the most relevant characteristics.
  2. Use of Descriptive Adjectives: Emphasis will be placed on the use of adjectives that describe the climate (e.g. warm, temperate, rainy, etc.) and specific vocabulary will be introduced.
  3. Writing a Report: Students will be instructed on how to structure a written report, including introduction, body, and conclusion.


  • Research Activity: Students will choose a country and conduct research on its climate using online resources and books. Learnings: They will develop information-finding skills and learn to take important notes about the climate.
  • Creating a Glossary: Students will create a glossary of descriptive adjectives related to climate. Learning outcomes: They will expand their vocabulary and improve their ability to describe climates using a variety of language.
  • Presentation of the Report: Students will write and present their report on the climate of the selected country to their classmates. Learnings: They will practice oral and organizational communication skills, and receive constructive feedback.


The evaluation will be carried out observing the quality of the research, the appropriate use of descriptive adjectives, the organization of the report and the clarity of the oral presentation.


4 weeks.

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Posted on August 04, 2024

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