Home » today » Entertainment » Cleo has lost a lot of weight. She revealed how she had achieved her dream figure. It’s all thanks to a special diet

Cleo has lost a lot of weight. She revealed how she had achieved her dream figure. It’s all thanks to a special diet

Cleo is one of the few singers in Poland who thrives in the media thanks to her music. He doesn’t have to get involved in scandals or talk left and right about excesses in his private life in order to earn millions and stay on top. Despite this, the singer’s personal life is still very interesting for her fans. Recently, the woman herself has lost a lot of weight, which can be seen with the naked eye in the new photos posted on the web. Cleo told about how she managed to achieve her dream figure.

SEE THIS: Concert in Polsat. Cleo in the outfit she wore on TVP and Mrozu with a hat on her head and stubble on her face. Wow, he has changed!

Cleo revealed how she managed to lose weight

Cleo never had any problems with being overweight, but she herself decided that she wanted to lose a few kilos to get the perfect form. The singer managed to do it, all thanks to a special diet, which she told about in an interview with the “Fakt” daily.

I actually lost weight. And this is because I have stopped eating noodles, pasta and the bread that I love. I decided that you just have to learn some eating habits and I have to admit that I feel better now and have more energy – she said in the tabloid.

Cleo also boasted about her results in social media. In the most recent photos, it is as thin as a comma. See for yourself.

Fans are impressed by her metamorphosis, which can be seen in the comments under the post.

Mother so skinny.

Congratulations on your great figure. You look crazy.

Figure dream. Congratulations! – they write under the photo.

Cleo’s silhouette also made such an electrifying impression on you?

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