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Clear Skies and Hot Conditions, New York Thursday Night Weather Forecast | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

can replace them fast,because tomorrow you will needsurely the blocker.that the best protections30’s and up.songs or the heat do you thinkWe are going to receive?hope: it is very important,you have to protect yourself. yes it is inoffice, you must rehabilitate itevery 15 minutes.if you are going to be at the office beach,above all.what heat is coming tomorrow. we are going tocontinue with this warningby extreme heat up toSaturday, probably in thelate.includes areas of new jersey seadds a warning for badair quality, which has beenextended until Friday to4:00 in the afternoon. so whatanother way, the quality ofair.also with temperaturesimpressive in our area.at this time, conditionsdry in our area. withoutHowever, clear night andhot.at 9:00 at night,80.then we go graduallylosing some but noWe entered the 70s untilafter midnight morningearly in the morning he is going tofeel 90 to 92 and oncelet’s get to the time oflunch,temperatures felt 95at 100. aí that at 6:00 in thetomorrow afternoon we will be inthe high 90s, from 96 to 97.prepare for extreme heatanother was going. minimize being inoutside, do not leave children,seniors or petsinside the car while youmakes purchases.care in swimming pools or beaches,because there is little or nosupervision.there is a shortage of lifeguards.we have dry conditions fortonight, also fortomorrow in much of the day,hot temperaturesfrom early and we couldhave some downpours laterit’s just 25%.on Saturday we have moreprobability of rain,especially from 1:00 to 3:00pm, then a second round atthe then a second round tolas 6:00 p.m.it was rainingSaturday, 64%. Sunday will bethe best part of the end ofweek. tomorrow from 92 to 93,sensation factor close to100.on Saturday in 88,week we don’t see any 90, but

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