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Clear conditions and sunny skies: what the weather forecast for Tuesday morning in New York indicates | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

solano newsunivision 41.elian: thank you very much.the increase is very alarmingof cases by people who havehave not been vaccinated, but there areyou have to change the subject and you have totalk about the weather.I know that today we will have anotherjewel like the one we had yesterday?rafa: and one better. Thank youbecause from 5:00 in themorninga traés de twitter, facebook,instagram, rememberfollow us @ univisóny.we will have a tuesdayspectacular. last Tuesdayto say goodbye to the month ofJuly with conditionsOf summer. the humidity is withU.S.we can see in manhattan thatit could be a band orsimply too much humidityelevated that we have in the areacomplete. storms for tomorrowThey are coming and now they arearriving further to the northwest and thetemperatures thatat the moment they are in the media70.is reaching 90when we reachthe next. 80 at nine.we talk about 90when we get to the nextistotally clear but veryhot with an heat sensationup to 100degrees. you have to get highsunscreen becausewe don’t have clouds. in factthey never protect us in thatappearance.do not last a long time doingsome kind of exercisestrenuous outdoors. todaytonight storms that gocoming northabove all. for tomorrow atearly morningthey kept moving towards theMetropolitan area. for themorningfrom this Wednesday we will haveisolated storms comingduring differentmoments and for Thursdaywe could see a replayextended indicates thattemperaturesdrops drastically from 90 to78.we see that the 80s were returning

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