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Clear Channel lands mega contract for advertising in train stations

The NMBS contract is very important, because more than 8 million people pass through the stations every week. “This is the largest contract on the market in Belgium”, says Jan De Moor, director of Clear Channel Belgium. It concerns more than 4,000 advertising panels.

After the start of the contract on January 1, Clear Channel wants to increase the number of digital panels in the stations from 200 to 800. Digital signs are important for advertisers because they can reach different specific target groups on the same day via varying messages.

As part of the contract, the advertising company will also help NMBS to “beautify the stations and improve the passenger experience”, says De Moor. For example, travelers will be able to charge their smartphones at the advertising panels, Clear Channel will organize events in the stations and there will be seating areas with greenery. “It’s part of the reason why they chose us,” said De Moor, who speaks of “a competitive tender”.

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