Home » today » World » “Clear Accounts” device launched in O’Higgins – 2024-09-03 08:16:26

“Clear Accounts” device launched in O’Higgins – 2024-09-03 08:16:26

Customers and users of electricity services will receive advice on reading their bills, as well as information on subsidies and compensation resulting from the suspension of electricity supply last August.

Following the power outages that occurred throughout the O’Higgins region in August, “Cuentas Claras” was launched on Monday, where users and clients will receive advice on reading their bills individually and personally, as well as information on subsidies and compensation resulting from the suspension of the power supply.

With the presence of the Minister of Energy, Diego Pardow, the program was launched in the Plaza de Los Héroes in Rancagua, where he was also accompanied by Senator Juan Luis Castro, President of the Senate’s Energy and Mining Commission; Ignacio Tello, Director of the National Consumer Service (SERNAC); Felipe Lerzundy, Director of the Superintendency of Electricity and Fuel (SEC); Deputy Marta González and the Regional Secretary of Energy, Claudio Martínez.

The head of the Energy portfolio called on users to attend the “Cuentas Claras” operations, where SEC officials will help them to obtain the correct discount. He also clarified that this will not be the only compensation that will be made for the supply cuts, taking into account that many people lost food, medicines, household appliances, among others.

Pardow also said that last Saturday the results of the electricity subsidy were published, with more than 100 households in the O’Higgins region benefiting from the subsidy for electricity bills that will be materialized in a single payment for this year, retroactive to the months of July, August and September; and, in advance, October, November and December.

“This subsidy for a household of four people is around 45 thousand pesos, but if the subsidy is greater than consumption (…) the remaining balance is carried over to the following months,” explained the minister.

Regarding the formula for calculating the amount of compensation, Minister Pardow clarified that it is twice the amount of energy not supplied valued at the rationing cost, “but that is a concept that is difficult to explain and calculate to people; that is, it is five times the amount of energy that was not supplied to them.”

He also indicated that “depending on the average consumption and the length of time without electricity, the compensation is determined,” and if people have questions, they can go to any of the service points to make the specific calculation with the consumption data of each consumer.

Senator Juan Luis Castro: “Clear accounts, maintain friendships”

In the same vein, Senator Juan Luis Castro, as president of the Senate’s Energy and Mining Commission, noted that some 100,000 households have been awarded the first subsidy (+98%) and that the O’Higgins region is the most affected in terms of interruption times, above the national average before the storm.

Referring to the old adage, the senator said that “the bill must be read to be clear, because many times people only look at the final value,” adding that the SEC and SERNAC’s entire deployment is so that people understand their rights, because “we are on the side of the people and the minister and all the State authorities, we want there to be no abuse, for rights to be exercised and for companies to comply.”

Regarding the bill that was submitted by the Chamber of Deputies, Senator Juan Luis Castro hopes that it will be approved in October, in order to increase and triple the amount of the subsidy.

“If there are already 100,000 households in our area, we hope that the number of households that will be entitled to this new subsidy will triple, which will be in the order of 380 million dollars, so that we can reach all 40% of the vulnerable households and the MSMEs.”

Regarding the losses incurred by users during power outages, Senator Castro clarified that the CGE company has offered a mechanism based on a monetary amount for claims for loss of food and medicine, in the order of 34 thousand pesos, but it is evident that there are people who lost much more and have to show the creditable amount of that loss.

Deputy Marta González: “Expand the subsidy”

Deputy Marta González said that work has been done with SMEs and MSMEs to expand the subsidy, and there is also a specific fund for SMEs, as it is a sector that generates employment and has reactivated the economy in the last few complex months.

“We will continue to deploy a battery of alternatives to reach homes and compensate for this blow that residents are experiencing with the rise in electricity prices. We value the subsidies, but we have to go further, to be able to change our energy matrix and modify the natural monopolies of the mega companies, and those who suffer the most are the residents,” stressed the parliamentarian for the O’Higgins region.

González praised the actions being taken by the agencies and called on people to report crimes through the various formal channels available.

Ignacio Tello: “Negotiating compensation with CGE”

For his part, the director of SERNAC, Ignacio Tello, indicated that compensations are being established by the electrical sector and through a collective voluntary procedure, negotiating compensations with the company CGE and everything that cannot be compensated with the Electricity Law, all the material and moral damages and problems that affected people.

“It is important that these compensations have certain characteristics, one of them being universality, which will reach each and every one of CGE’s clients,” stressed Tello, mentioning another relevant aspect, which has to do with the days and hours of the impact, and, on the other hand, seeking solutions of a more isolated nature, derived from support platforms to address the requirements of those who suffered material damage.

Felipe Lerzundi: “Proceedings continue their course”

For the director of the SEC, Felipe Lerzundi, the administrative procedures that were initiated due to the climatic effects and the suspension of the electricity supply, continue their course and the company is presenting defenses and that demonstrates the continuous supervisory work carried out by the Superintendency and announced that in the next few weeks announcements will be made regarding this.

He invited the population of the region to make complaints about interruptions in supply through the different platforms and channels that have been established, such as the sec.cl website and WhatsApp.

Teresa Cantillana: She received double the amount on the ballot

Teresa Cantillana, an electric service user, came forward to file a complaint because her bill had doubled in amount, since the rate she had been paying was a little more than 20 thousand pesos, but in the last month, she received more than 40 thousand pesos for consumption.

Cantillana, who lives in the Recreo sector, said that the official who assisted him suggested that he go to the electric company, and mentioned that in the same sector where he lives, an elderly user who had been paying close to 60 thousand pesos, now received a bill for an amount greater than 100 thousand pesos.

Energy Minister Diego Pardow said that the amount of compensation depends on consumption and time without electricity. Photo: Héctor Vargas.

#Clear #Accounts #device #launched #OHiggins

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