LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM – Use cotton buds for clean dirt inside ear has become a popular habit for us.
Only, using cotton buds there is a special way. Because if it is careless, it will have a bad impact on ear You.
Maybe you feel like you’ve taken out dirt in ear you when cleaning it with cotton buds.
In fact, with that action, when we push cotton buds step into ear, actually we then it will also push dirt ear we enter from the channel ear to the drum ear.
The impact, if this build-up from dirt ear press the drum ear, it can cause it to not vibrate as well as cause hearing problems.
According to Oxford University Hospitals, actually naturally ear we already clean himself with his filth.
In their patient guide they explain: “If you use cotton buds or anything for clean ear You, you can interfere with the natural cleaning system ear.”
They suggest, if you experience buildup dirt ear, the best thing to do is to visit a doctor.
“Because if you do it often… it will make you feel temporarily deaf and cause canal damage ear or drums ear You.”