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Cleaning campaigns in Suriname because of ‘World Clean up day’

Cleaning campaigns in Suriname because of 'World Clean up day'
Photo: DP World Paramaribo has delegated 16 volunteers with family members who have cleaned at two locations.

World Clean up day is an annual global citizens’ action to tackle the problem of litter by organizing clean-up campaigns. It is a citizen movement that unites 180 countries and millions of people around the world to clean the planet. All this in one day. On September 19, the Suresur Foundation organized cleaning campaigns at 14 different locations in Suriname.

Within the Global Ports Group (GPG) it is ‘Go Green Week’ in the week of 14 to 20 September. The GPG is a collaboration between the industry leaders of global port operators and they have three working arms in the field of Safety, Security & Environment. In this context, DP World Paramaribo participated in World Clean up Day on September 19.

DP World Paramaribo has delegated 16 volunteers with family members who have cleaned at two locations, namely the school complex of Lyco 1 (Zorg & Hoop) and at the terminal of Suriname Port Services NV / DP World Paramaribo in La Vigilantia in Para. The focus of the clean up this year was on the pollution caused by cigarette butts. (text continues below photo)

Clean Up School complex Zorg & Hoop

These minor pollutants are among the most commonly discarded products worldwide. All collected cigarette butts will be sent via the Surinamese Foundation SuReSur to a recycling company in Ireland for recycling.

Citizens are encouraged not to throw their cigarette butts into the environment, but to set them aside and hand them over to the SuReSur foundation. You can hand in cigarette butts from Monday to Friday between 4 and 6 PM at Charlesburgweg # 55.

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